Matthew 4:23-25

     23. And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues—These were houses of local worship. It cannot be proved that they existed before the Babylonish captivity; but as they began to be erected soon after it, probably the idea was suggested by the religious inconveniences to which the captives had been subjected. In our Lord's time, the rule was to have one wherever ten learned men or professed students of the law resided; and they extended to Syria, Asia Minor, Greece, and most places of the dispersion. The larger towns had several, and in Jerusalem the number approached five hundred. In point of officers and mode of worship, the Christian congregations are modelled after the synagogue.

      and preaching the gospel of the kingdom—proclaiming the glad tidings of the kingdom,

      and healing all manner of sickness—every disease.

      and all manner of disease among the people—every complaint. The word means any incipient malady causing "softness."

     24. And his fame went throughout all Syria—reaching first to the part of it adjacent to Galilee, called Syro-Ph nicia (Mr 7:26), and thence extending far and wide.

      and they brought unto him all sick people—all that were ailing or unwell. Those

      that were taken—for this is a distinct class, not an explanation of the "unwell" class, as our translators understood it.

      with divers diseases and torments—that is, acute disorders.

      and those which were possessed with devils—that were demonized or possessed with demons.

      and those which were lunatic—moon-struck.

      and those that had the palsy—paralytics, a word not naturalized when our version was made.

      and he healed them—These healings were at once His credentials and illustrations of "the glad tidings" which He proclaimed. After reading this account of our Lord's first preaching tour, can we wonder at what follows?

     25. And there followed him great multitudes of people from Galilee, and from Decapolis—a region lying to the east of the Jordan, so called as containing ten cities, founded and chiefly inhabited by Greek settlers.

      and from Jerusalem, and from beyond Jordan—meaning from Perea. Thus not only was all Palestine upheaved, but all the adjacent regions. But the more immediate object for which this is here mentioned is, to give the reader some idea both of the vast concourse and of the varied complexion of eager attendants upon the great Preacher, to whom the astonishing discourse of the next three chapters was addressed. On the importance which our Lord Himself attached to this first preaching circuit, and the preparation which He made for it, see on Mr 1:35-39.

Matthew 8:14-17

Luke 4:31-44

     31. down to Capernaum—It lay on the Sea of Galilee (Mt 4:13), whereas Nazareth lay high.

     Lu 4:33-37. DEMONIAC HEALED.

     33. unclean—The frequency with which this character of impurity is applied to evil spirits is worthy of notice.

      cried out, &c.—(See Mt 8:29; Mr 3:11).

     35. rebuked them, &c.—(See on Lu 4:41).

      thrown him, &c.—See on Mr 9:20.

     36. What a word—a word from the Lord of spirits.


     (See on Mt 8:14-17.)

     41. suffered them not to speak—The marginal reading ("to say that they knew him to be Christ") here is wrong. Our Lord ever refused testimony from devils, for the very reason why they were eager to give it, because He and they would thus seem to be one interest, as His enemies actually alleged. (See on Mt 12:24, &c.; see also Ac 16:16-18.)


     See on Mr 1:35-39, where we learn how early He retired, and how He was engaged in solitude when they came seeking Him.

     42. stayed him—"were staying Him," or sought to do it. What a contrast to the Gadarenes! The nature of His mission required Him to keep moving, that all might hear the glad tidings (Mt 8:34).

     43. I must, &c.—but duty only could move Him to deny entreaties so grateful to His spirit.

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