Psalms 119:81-88

     81-83. In sorrow the pious heart yearns for the comforts of God's promises (Ps 73:26; 84:2).

     82. Mine eyes fail for thy word—that is, with yearning desire for Thy word. When the eyes fail, yet faith must not.

     83. bottle in the smoke—as a skin bottle dried and shriveled up in smoke, so is he withered by sorrow. Wine bottles of skin used to be hung up in smoke to dry them, before the wine was put in them [MAURER].

     84-87. The shortness of my life requires that the relief afforded to me from mine enemies should be speedy.

     85. pits—plots for my destruction.

      which—rather, "who," that is, "the proud"; "pits" is not the antecedent.

     84-87. The shortness of my life requires that the relief afforded to me from mine enemies should be speedy.

     87. consumed me upon earth—HENGSTENBERG translates, "in the land"; understanding "me" of the nation Israel, of which but a small remnant was left. But English Version is simpler; either, "They have consumed me so as to leave almost nothing of me on earth"; or, "They have almost destroyed and prostrated me on the earth" [MAURER].

      I forsook not—Whatever else I am forsaken of, I forsake not Thy precepts, and so am not mistaken of Thee (Ps 39:5, 13; 2Co 4:8, 9), and the injuries and insults of the wicked increase the need for it. But, however they act regardless of God's law, the pious, adhering to its teaching, receive quickening grace, and are sustained steadfast.

LAMED. (Ps 119:89-96).

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