Revelation of John 4:5

     5. proceeded-Greek, "proceed."

      thunderings and voices—The two oldest manuscripts transpose, "voices and thunderings." Compare at the giving of the law on Sinai, Ex 19:16. "The thunderings express God's threats against the ungodly: there are voices in the thunders (Re 10:3), that is, not only does He threaten generally, but also predicts special judgments" [GROTIUS].

      seven lamps . . . seven Spirits—The Holy Spirit in His sevenfold operation, as the light-and-life Giver (compare Re 5:6, seven eyes . . . the seven Spirits of God; Re 1:4; 21:23; Ps 119:105) and fiery purifier of the godly, and consumer of the ungodly (Mt 3:11).

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