Romans 2:13

     13-15. For not the hearers, &c.—As touching the Jews, in whose ears the written law is continually resounding, the condemnation of as many of them as are found sinners at the last involves no difficulty; but even as respects the heathen, who are strangers to the law in its positive and written form—since they show how deeply it is engraven on their moral nature, which witnesses within them for righteousness and against iniquity, accusing or condemning them according as they violate or obey its stern dictates—their condemnation also for all the sin in which they live and die will carry its dreadful echo in their own breasts.

Romans 2:17

     17-24. Behold—"But if" is, beyond doubt, the true reading here. (It differs but in a single letter from the received reading, and the sense is the same).

Romans 2:23

Romans 10:5

     5-10. For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man that doeth—"hath done"

      those things—which it commands.

      shall live in them— (Le 18:5). This is the one way of justification and life—by "the righteousness which is of (or, by our own obedience to) the law."

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