Romans 8:5-7

     5. For they that are after the flesh—that is, under the influence of the fleshly principle.

      do mind—give their attention to (Php 3:19).

      the things of the flesh, &c.—Men must be under the predominating influence of one or other of these two principles, and, according as the one or the other has the mastery, will be the complexion of their life, the character of their actions.

     6. For—a mere particle of transition here [THOLUCK], like "but" or "now."

      to be carnally minded—literally, "the mind" or "minding of the flesh" (Margin); that is, the pursuit of fleshly ends.

      is death—not only "ends in" [ALFORD, &c.], but even now "is"; carrying death into its bosom, so that such are "dead while they live" (1Ti 5:6; Eph 2:1, 5) [PHILIPPI].

      but to be spiritually minded—"the mind" or "minding of the spirit"; that is, the pursuit of spiritual objects.

      is life and peace—not "life" only, in contrast with the "death" that is in the other pursuit, but "peace"; it is the very element of the soul's deepest repose and true bliss.

     7. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God—The desire and pursuit of carnal ends is a state of enmity to God, wholly incompatible with true life and peace in the soul.

      for it is not subject—"doth not submit itself."

      to the law of God, neither indeed can be—In such a state of mind there neither is nor can be the least subjection to the law of God. Many things may be done which the law requires, but nothing either is or can be done because God's law requires it, or purely to please God.

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