Song of Solomon 7:5

     5. upon thee—the headdress "upon" her.

      Carmel—signifying a well-cultivated field (Isa 35:2). In So 5:15 He is compared to majestic Lebanon; she here, to fruitful Carmel. Her headdress, or crown (2Ti 4:8; 1Pe 5:4). Also the souls won by her (1Th 2:19, 20), a token of her fruitfulness.

      purple—royalty (Re 1:6). As applied to hair, it expresses the glossy splendor of black hair (literally, "pendulous hair") so much admired in the East (So 4:1). While the King compares her hair to the flowering hair of goats (the token of her subjection), the daughters of Jerusalem compare it to royal purple.

      galleries—(so So 1:17, Margin; Re 21:3). But MAURER translates here, "flowing ringlets"; with these, as with "thongs" (so LEE, from the Arabic translates it) "the King is held" bound (So 6:5; Pr 6:25). Her purple crowns of martyrdom especially captivated the King, appearing from His galleries (Ac 7:55, 56). As Samson's strength was in his locks (Jud 16:17). Here first the daughters see the King themselves.

Isaiah 33:9

     9. (Isa 24:4).

      Lebanon—personified; the allusion may be to the Assyrian cutting down its choice trees (Isa 14:8; 37:24).

      Sharon—south of Carmel, along the Mediterranean, proverbial for fertility (Isa 35:2).

      Bashan—afterwards called Batanea (Isa 2:13).

      fruits—rather, understand "leaves"; they lie as desolate as in winter.

Isaiah 35:2

     2. glory of Lebanon—its ornament, namely, its cedars (Isa 10:34).

      excellency of Carmel—namely, its beauty.

      Sharon—famed for its fertility.

      see . . . glory of the Lord . . . excellency— (Isa 40:5, 9). While the wilderness which had neither "glory" nor "excellency" shall have both "given to it," the Lord shall have all the "glory" and "excellency" ascribed to Him, not to the transformed wilderness (Mt 5:16).

Jeremiah 50:19

     19. (Isa 65:10; Eze 34:13, 14).

Nahum 1:4

     4. rebuketh the sea—as Jesus did (Mt 8:26), proving Himself God (compare Isa 50:2).

      Bashan languisheth—through drought; ordinarily it was a region famed for its rich pasturage (compare Joe 1:10).

      flower of Lebanonits bloom; all that blooms so luxuriantly on Lebanon (Ho 14:7). As Bashan was famed for its pastures, Carmel for its corn fields and vineyards, so Lebanon for its forests (Isa 33:9). There is nothing in the world so blooming that God cannot change it when He is wroth.

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