Luke 20:1-8

Jesus’ Authority Questioned

1 aOn one of the days while bHe was teaching the people in the temple and cpreaching the gospel, the chief priests and the scribes with the elders dconfronted Him, 2and they declared, saying to Him, “Tell us by what authority You are doing these things, or who is the one who gave You this authority?” 3But He replied to them, “I will also ask you a
Lit word
question, and you tell Me:
4 Was the baptism of John from heaven or from men?” 5They discussed among themselves, saying, “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ He will say, ‘Why did you not believe him?’ 6But if we say, ‘From men,’ all the people will stone us to death, since they are convinced that John was a fprophet.” 7And so they answered that they did not know where it came from. 8And Jesus said to them, Neither am I telling you by what authority I do these things.”

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