2 Peter 3:10

But the day of the Lord will come. This expression usually, but not always, refers to the second advent. Such is the meaning here.

As a thief in the night. When people are not expecting it. Compare 1Th 5:2 Mt 24:43.

In which the heavens shall pass away. See Lu 21:33.

The elements shall melt. The material of which they are composed.

The earth also and the works that are therein, shall be burnt up. The earth and all man's creations. That the world shall come to an end seems to be written in its very constitution. A slight change in the constitution of the atmosphere, or the decomposition of its water would wrap it in flame. Science finds the elements of final dissolution in the relations of the earth and sun. According to the ratio of increase in two centuries the would will not have resources to feed its population. In a few hundred years the coal resources of the world will fail. These and many other facts point to a necessary and inevitable change.
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