3 John 9-10

I wrote unto the church. Of which Gaius was a member. The letter referred to is not extant.

But Diotrephes. This man is not elsewhere named. He was evidently an ambitious and unscrupulous church official, who

Receiveth us not, that is, rebelled against the apostle's authority, and who refused to heed the letter. The letter may have been sent by those whom Gaius entertained.
Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth. It may be necessary for him to come. If he does, he will arraign Diotrephes for his deeds.

Prating against us with malicious words. Excusing himself by maligning John.

Neither doth he himself receive the brethren. The messengers John sent.

And forbiddeth them that would. Seeks to prevent any of the church from hearing or extending hospitality to these messengers.

And casting [them] out of the church. Seeks to have them denied Christian fellowship.
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