Acts 10:44-47

The Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. The kinsmen and intimate friends of Cornelius, as well as on him (Ac 10:24). They of the circumcision. The Jews who went with Peter. They were astonished that the Holy Spirit should fall on Gentiles. This miraculous outpouring was extraordinary, and the object is plain, viz: to convince Peter and his fellow Jews that God had accepted the Gentiles; the same reason for which Peter's vision had been given. This is the only instance recorded of the Spirit falling on unbaptized persons. This exception is made to convince the Jewish Christians that uncircumcised Gentiles were fit subjects of baptism. Peter had to recall this fact in order to convince the church at Jerusalem that he had done right (Ac 11:2,3,15). As on Pentecost the Holy Spirit fell on Jews, so now when Gentiles receive the Gospel they are baptized with the Holy Spirit (Ac 11:15,16). Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized? Peter's scruples were overcome. He was now satisfied that the gospel was for Gentiles as well as Jews. God had made no difference in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He asks his Jewish brethren if any man can give a reason why they should not be baptized. Wesley says: ``How easily is the question decided if we take the word of God for our rule. Either men have received the Holy Spirit, or not. If they have not, then "Repent", saith God, "and be baptized, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Ac 2:38). If they have been baptized with the Holy Spirit, then "who can forbid water"?''
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