Acts 11:29-30

Then the disciples. Those at Antioch. They were informed that the famine would be very severe in Judea.

Every man according to his ability. Hence they contributed, each as he could, for the relief of their Jewish brethren, and sent it by the hands of Barnabas and Saul. The love of Christ was in their hearts. We see here the dawn of that new spirit that was to revolutionize the Gentile world. The Gentiles of Antioch extend their hands to relieve the distress of the Jews of Palestine.

Acts 12:25

Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem. This verse is introductory to the next chapter, which introduces the era of Gentile missions. Ac 11:29,30 explains why they had gone to Jerusalem. See note.

Took with them John, whose surname was Mark. He was a relative of Barnabas (Col 4:10). In the next chapter he appears as an associate in their missionary labors (Ac 13:5).
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