Acts 15:13

James answered, saying. For other references to James see 1Co 15:7 Ga 1:19 2:9 and the Epistle of James. He is also mentioned several times in the Gospels, and seems, before the death of Jesus, to have been an unbeliever. It is probable that the speech of Peter, followed by the account given by Paul and Barnabas, convinced him, and led to the views he now expresses.

Acts 21:18

Paul went in with us unto James. For the identification and position of James, see PNT Ac 15:13. This James was not one of the twelve, but was "the brother of the Lord", a witness of the risen Savior (1Co 15:7). "James the brother of John" had been slain (Ac 12:2); of James the son of Alphaeus, little is known; but James "the brother of the Lord" (Ga 1:19) was now the leader of the church at Jerusalem. No mention is made of any of the twelve, and it is probable that those still living in A.D. 58, were in other fields of labor.

And all the elders were present. The "elders" are mentioned, but not the apostles, a proof that none of the latter were present.
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