Acts 17:5-9

But the Jews. As usual, a part believed and the others were filled with hatred.

Lewd fellows of the baser sort. "Vile fellows of the rabble" (Revised Version). The Jews called in the worst classes to aid them.

Assaulted the house of Jason. Paul and Silas had abode there (Ac 17:7), but were not found, probably from having a warning.
Drew Jason . . . unto the rulers of the city. Called "politarchs" in the Greek text, and so called in an inscription of the first century still seen on an ancient arch in the city.

These that have turned the world upside down. A strong tribute to the revolutionizing power of the new faith. It did change the world.
These all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar. A false charge, but the one most likely to secure the attention of the magistrates.

Saying that there is another king. The Romans never called their ruler "a king", but he was so called by subject nations. The Jews said to Pilate, "We will have no king but Caesar" (Joh 19:15). The only ground for the charge against Paul was that he preached the kingdom of Christ.
They troubled . . . the rulers. Troubled, because it was a charge of disloyalty to the Roman Caesar, and of an attempt to have another king. They were utterly ignorant of the nature of Christ's kingdom. When they had taken security. Of those asserted. They received some kind of guarantee that there would be nothing done contrary to the laws of the empire.
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