Acts 2:14

Peter, standing up. In the name of all the apostles. Jesus had said that Peter should receive the keys of the kingdom (Mt 16:19), and they are now to be used to open its doors.

With the eleven. Eleven other apostles besides himself. He now begins the first gospel sermon. He and the apostles now begin their witness to Christ.

Acts 2:41

They that gladly received his word. Every believing penitent would gladly receive it.

Were baptized. Not indefinitely in the future, but that day.

The same day there were added about three thousand souls. Hackett, in his "Commentary on Acts", writes: ``It is proper to add that pools numerous and large which encircled Jerusalem, as both those still in use, and as the remains of others testify of at the present day, afforded ample means for the celebration of the rite of baptism. The habits of the East, as every traveler knows, would present no obstacle to such a use of the public reservoirs.'' It has been objected to the immersion of the three thousand that the apostles could not have done it in one day. We are not told that the apostles only were the baptists, or even baptized at all. There were at least 120 disciples there; perhaps even more on this great day. Perhaps the Seventy were all there. But the apostles alone could have discharged the office. There would be 250 to each one. Sixty persons have been immersed easily in an hour by one person. At this rate the whole work could have been accomplished by twelve men in about four hours. The celebrated Chrysostom, aided by his elders, baptized (immersed) 3,000 in a day in A.D. 404.
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