Acts 22:26

For this man is a Roman. The name "Roman" acted like magic in each case. The centurion at once pauses, tell his commander to beware; no officer dared to lay a hand in violence on a Roman citizen without trial. The calm was at once allowed, for it was a capital offense to make a false claim of citizenship, and none dared attempt it. Suetonius says: ``He who falsely pretended to Roman citizenship was beheaded on the Esquiline hill.'' A constant traveler like Paul would be likely to carry papers that would prove his claims.

Acts 22:28

With a great sum I obtained this freedom. The officer states that he had bought citizenship himself. He was not of Roman birth, an alien, but by a heavy bribe had obtained Roman rights. This was not uncommon in the corrupt period of Roman government that had come.

But I was [free] born. His father before had been a Roman citizen. Whether he inherited it also, or had in some way secured the right, is unknown. If any wonder how a Jew could be a Roman, let them look around and see Jews, Germans, Irish, etc., who are American citizens.
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