Acts 9:22-24

Saul increased the more in strength. Grew continually in power to preach Christ. After that many days were fulfilled. A long period, probably at least three years. Luke's narrative is very condensed. He is not writing a history of Saul, but of the founding of the church. We learn from Paul that he spent at this time a long period in Arabia, and after this returned to Damascus (Ga 1:16-18). It was at his return that this persecution broke out.

The Jews took counsel to kill him. For additional information, see 2Co 11:32. At this time Damascus was in the temporary possession of Aretas, an Arabian potentate. Less scrupulous than the Roman rulers, he was willing to please Saul's Jewish enemies, who were numerous and influential, by putting him to death.
They watched the gates. "The governor, under Aretas the king, kept the city of the Damascenes with a garrison, desirous to apprehend me" (2Co 11:32).
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