Ephesians 4:11

And he gave. It has just been shown that Christ "gave gifts to men" (Eph 4:7,8). Of these gifts were various offices. The object of all these offices was to promote "the unity of the faith" (Eph 4:13). Christ has appointed the offices, and gives the men in the church who are fitted for these offices. In the matter of those offices that continue, it is the duty of the church to recognize and call out the men who meet the conditions Christ has given.

Some, apostles. The apostles were all chosen by Christ. All had to be witnesses of his resurrection (Ac 1:22). They, therefore, could have no successors, but their own office continues. They still remain teachers and in authority by their writings and example.

And some, prophets. An inspired office, essential in the church for its teaching until the New Testament was completed.

And some, evangelists. Such as Philip (Ac 8:4-12 21:8), Timothy (2Ti 4:2), Titus (Tit 2:1,15), etc. This office is to preach the gospel, and will be necessary as long as the church continues on earth. As this office did not require extraordinary gifts, it is permanent.

And some, pastors and teachers. These were not distinct offices. Bishops, or elders, and especially those "who labored in word and doctrine" (1Ti 5:17), came under this head. A pastor should always be an elder, but it is not certain that a teacher was always an elder. These offices were all given for the purposes indicated in Eph 4:12.
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