Galatians 4:13-14

Ye know how through infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel. The Revised Version is clearer: "Ye know that because of an infirmity of the flesh. . . ". Some fact, not explained to us, but well known to the Galatians, is referred to. It is implied that some physical weakness caused him to preach in Galatia the first time. Perhaps he was passing through and was stopped by an infirmity that prevented him from traveling.

At the first. This implies he had preached there more than once. The Acts speak of two visits to Galatia (Ac 16:6 18:23).
And my temptation which was in my flesh. The Revised Version follows the best manuscripts: "Your temptation, which was in my flesh". His "infirmity" is meant. It was probably some malady which hindered his work--might have disfigured him, and been a temptation to the Galatians to ridicule and despise him. Probably 2Co 12:7 refers to the same affliction. Both these allusions show that the infirmity was one that he severely felt. But the Galatians despised not, nor rejected him on that account, but received him heartily, even as an angel of God, God's messenger.
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