Hebrews 11:17

By faith Abraham, when he was tried. See Ge 22:1-14.

Offered up Isaac . . . his only begotten [son]. Abraham stands as the great Old Testament example of faith, "the Father of the faithful", the man whose faith was "counted for righteousness" (Ro 4:5). Hence his faith was tried by the sternest test of any Man of God on record, not that God might be certain of his faith, but that all his spiritual children should profit by his example. Note: (1) Isaac was the only child of his marriage; (2) he was the child of promise and by grace; (3) he was the heir, not only of Abraham but of all God's promises to Abraham. Yet Abraham was told to offer him. It was God's command. What a trial of faith! Yet, he believed, though he would not see how, that God would keep his promises.
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