John 7:32

The Pharisees heard. The bitterest enemies of Christ. When they heard that the people were believing, they thought it time for action, so the Pharisees and chief priests, that is, the Sanhedrin, sent officers to take him. This was an official act, the "first" official attempt of the Sanhedrin to take Jesus. They had purposed it before, but had not taken action.

John 7:45

Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees. These were the temple police, Levites under the direction of the chief priests. We are told that the chief priests, instigated by the Pharisees, had sent the officers to arrest him (see Joh 7:32).

John 10:39

Therefore they sought again to take him. A few moments before they would have stoned him by mob violence (Joh 10:31), but when they had cooled somewhat they sought to arrest him.
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