Matthew 11:21

Woe to thee, Chorazin! Chorazin has long been extinct, and its site is not certainly known. It is named only here and in Lu 10:13. Situated about two miles from the ruins of Tell-Hum, thought to be Capernaum, there are ruins now called Kerazeh, including a synagogue, columns and walls of buildings, supposed to mark the site of Chorazin.

Woe to thee, Bethsaida! The word means "House of fish", and the name would imply that it was a fishing town, and it was the home of the fishermen, Peter, Andrew and Philip (Joh 1:44). Its locality is in dispute. It was probably situated on both sides of the Jordan, where it emptied into the Sea of Galilee. The ruins of a city lie there, mostly on the east side of the river.

For if the mighty works . . . had been done in Tyre and Sidon. These were rich Phoenician trading cities on the east shore of the Mediterranean. Tyre was long the chief commercial city of the world; it still exists as a wretched town.

In sackcloth and ashes. The symbols of mourning and repentance. See Jon 3:5 on the repentance of Nineveh. Sackcloth was a kind of coarse cloth, woven of camel's hair.
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