Matthew 12:22-37

One possessed with a devil.

See PNT Mt 8:28. Compare Lu 11:14.
Is not this the Son of David? The promised Messiah King who was to be the Son of David, according to the prophets (Isa 11:10 2Sa 23:5). The Pharisees heard [it]. Compare Mr 3:22-27. Mark says that some of these Pharisees were scribes who had come from Jerusalem. The ecclesiastical authorities at Jerusalem were now keeping their watch on Jesus.

Doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub.

See PNT Mt 10:25. Beelzebub, the prince of devils, meant the same as Satan. The Pharisees assert that the Lord's miraculous power is due to the aid of the devil.
Knew their thoughts. They had not made this charge to Christ, but to the multitudes.

Every city or house divided against itself. A general truth is stated. Most states and kingdoms fall, not by the power of foreign enemies, but by the weakness due to divisions.
If Satan cast out Satan. If demons were cast out by the aid of Satan, then Satan was fighting against his own servants. His kingdom was divided against itself. By whom do your children cast [them] out? There were Jewish exorcists who professed to cast out demons. Josephus tells of one named Eleazar, whom he says did cast them out. Christ does not say whether they did or not, but argues: "If I, by Satan, cast out demons, by whom do your own exorcists, whom you assert have this power, cast them out"? Compare Ac 19:13. If I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, etc. If it is the power of God manifest in me, then it demonstrates that I am the expected Messiah King, the Son of David, of whom the multitude spoke. See Mt 12:23. How can one . . . spoil his goods, etc.? No one can enter a man's house and take his goods unless he has first conquered him. If I am not the Messiah, stronger than Satan, how could I spoil him? He that is not for me, etc. The two kingdoms of Satan and of Christ are opposed. No neutrality is possible. He that is not for me is against me. The blasphemy [against] the [Holy] Ghost shall not be forgiven. Compare Mr 3:28 Lu 12:10. Much discussion has arisen concerning the nature of sin against the Holy Spirit, and nothing is plainer. Mr 3:30 explains it. It was ascribing Christ's works to demoniac influence. These works were wrought by the power of the Spirit. Whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man. Personal injuries will be forgiven on repentance. Christ prayed for his persecutors. Every sin can be forgiven but that against the Holy Spirit.

Speaketh against the Holy Ghost. Perversely ascribe the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan.

Neither in this world, neither in the [world] to come. Judgment shall overtake him both her and hereafter. The Jews divided the two worlds, or, rather, "ages" of the world, by the coming of Christ. This would then mean that there is forgiveness to such a sin under neither dispensation. No passage in the Bible affirms more emphatically the doctrine of eternal punishment. There is a sin that hath no forgiveness.
Either make the tree good, and its fruit good. The principle is announced in Mt 7:20 that the tree is known by its fruits. If his own life and works were evil, then he might be evil and aided by Satan, but if good, then his power was from God. Generation of vipers. Poisonous, evil and dangerous, like vipers.

How can ye, etc.? Their hearts were thoroughly evil, hence they could only speak and do evil, for "out of the good treasure of the heart the mouth speaketh". On the other hand, the "good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things".
Every idle word. If we shall be called on to give account for every idle, rash, inconsiderate word, how much more for such blasphemy as the Pharisees had uttered? How careful, too, should we be to see that our speech is pure! By thy words thou shalt be justified, etc. Acquitted or condemned in the day of judgment. To justify is the opposite of to condemn. Those who confess Christ with the mouth (Ro 10:9) shall be saved; those who deny him will be lost. Words have a weighty influence on our eternal destiny.
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