Matthew 13:53-58

When he had come into his own country. To Nazareth, where he was brought up. Compare Mr 6:1-6 Lu 4:14-29.

He taught them in their synagogue. On the Sabbath day (Mr 6:2).

Whence hath this [man] this wisdom? While admitting it, they were offended at it (Mt 13:58).
Is not this the carpenter's son? Joseph. Jesus was a carpenter also (Mr 6:3).

His mother called Mary? She is named. Joseph is indicated by his trade.

His brethren, James, and Joses, Simon, and Judas? Sons of Joseph and Mary. For a full discussion of their relationship, see PNT Joh 2:12.
And they were offended in him. Made to stumble. Led into error. They could not see how one so humble, and of so humble a family, could be so great a teacher.

A prophet is not without honour, etc. A proverb that is quoted and applied.
He did not many mighty works, etc. Faith was the usual condition of his miracles. Where there is persistent, obstinate unbelief, Christ works no mighty moral works now.
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