Matthew 24:27-31

For as the lightning. There will be no doubt about Christ's coming when he does come, no discussion, no need that any one shall tell it. It will be manifest as the flash of lightning across the sky. There can be no mistake. Such language shows how much those err who claim that his coming was at the destruction of Jerusalem. Whersoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered. The term "carcase" well represents the utterly corrupted Jewish state; the "eagles" is a fit symbol of the Roman army, every legion of which bore the eagle as its standard. Immediately after the tribulation of those days. The first question, "When shall these things be"? (Mt 24:3) has now been answered. Here begins the answer to the second, concerning the coming of the Lord. For other passages on the second coming, see 1Th 2:19 3:13 4:15 5:23 2Th 2:1,8,9 1Co 15:23 Jas 5:7 2Pe 1:16 3:12 1Jo 2:28. "Immediately" after the destruction of Jerusalem (the tribulation) the series of events begins that leads to the coming of Christ.

Shall the sun be darkened. I take what follows to be symbolical, as is usual for prophecy, rather than literal. Christ is "the Sun of Righteousness" (Mal 4:2). After the destruction of Jerusalem, the causes began to work that led to the great apostasy of the church and produced "the Dark Ages" of the church.

The moon shall not give her light. The moon shines by reflected light of the sun and if it is darkened so will be the moon. So, too, the church shines by the light of Christ. When Christ's light was darkened by taking the Bible from the people the church give forth little light during the long night of the Middle Ages.

The stars shall fall. Stars represent great teachers of the church, apostles and evangelists. See Re 1:20. When the apostles were dethroned by the Romish apostasy, "the stars fell from heaven", figuratively. Other stars, great church lights who apostatized, fell from heaven in another sense.
Then. After the long period of apostasy.

Shall appear the sign of the Son of man. Some sign of his coming that every one will recognize when it is manifested.

All the tribes of the earth mourn. Because of their sins.

They shall see the Son of man coming. It will be visible to every eye and will be in splendor.
With a great sound of a trumpet. Compare 1Th 4:16.

Shall gather together his elect. Before the judgment on the world. The believers will be in all countries, mingled with the population of earth, and then shall be separated.

Four winds. The four quarters of the earth.
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