Matthew 27:1-2

Jesus Crucified SUMMARY OF MATTHEW 27: Christ Delivered to Pilate. Judas Hangs Himself. Jesus Before Pilate. Barabbas and Christ. Pilate's Wife's Intercession. Pilate Acquits Jesus, but Yields to the Clamor. Jesus Scourged, Mocked, Taken to Golgotha, Crucified. Mocked on the Cross. Reviled by the Thieves. It Is Finished. The Veil of the Temple Rent. The Centurion's Confession. Pilate Yields the Body of Jesus to Joseph. Buried in the New Tomb. The Tomb Sealed and Guarded.

When the morning was come. Jesus had already been condemned, but another meeting of the Sanhedrin after daylight was necessary to give its legal effect, as condemnations to death could not be made in the night. That was the object of this meeting. For a fuller account of it, see Lu 22:66-71. For account of Christ before Pilate and the crucifixion, compare Mr 15:1-47 Lu 23:1-56 Joh 18:1-38.
Delivered him to Pontius Pilate. The first mention of the Roman procurator by that name. He was both military and civil commander, usually dwelt at Caesarea, but came up to Jerusalem at the passover feasts to preserve order. The Sanhedrin could not put Jesus to death, as the Roman rulers demanded that all cases of capital punishment be referred to them.

The governor. The whole province of which Judea was a part was called Syria, and was ruled by a "proconsul". The divisions of one of the great proconsulships were ruled by "procurators", translated "governors". Pontius Pilate, Felix (Ac 23:24) and Festus (Ac 25:1) are examples of the latter.
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