Matthew 27:57-66

There came a rich man. On the burial, compare Mr 15:42-47 Lu 23:50-56 Joh 19:38-42

Of Arimathaea. Its location is unknown. Joseph was a member of the Sanhedrin, who had not consented to the murder of Jesus (Lu 23:50-51 Mr 15:43).

Jesus' disciple. But "secretly for fear of the Jews" (Joh 19:38).
Begged the body of Jesus. Usually, the Romans suffered the crucified to remain unburied, but Joseph, to prevent this, or any abuse of the sacred body, begged it of Pilate. The latter consented readily, probably anxious for respect for the body of him whom he vainly sought to save from death. Joseph had taken the body. Carefully down from the cross.

Wrapped it in a clean linen cloth. A winding sheet. Another Sanhedrist, Nicodemus, aided him (Joh 19:39), and they enclosed spices in the winding sheet.
Laid it in his own new tomb. A rock-hewn sepulcher, cut horizontally into the cliff.

Rolled a great stone to the door. The usual method of closing the rock-hewn tombs. Thus Christ "was buried, according to the Scriptures" (1Co 15:4) in a rich man's tomb, was "with the rich in his death" (Isa 53:9).
The other Mary. The mother of James and Joses (Mr 15:47). These women saw where he was laid and returned there after the Sabbath with spices. The next day. The Sabbath.

That followed the day of preparation. "That is, the day before the sabbath" (Mr 15:42).
Sir, we remember. These dignitaries had not forgotten the predictions of Christ that he would rise on the third day, even if his own disciples had. Until the third day. That is, until Sunday morning. Friday would be the first day. Ye have a watch. That is, ye can have a guard. He granted them a guard of Roman soldiers. Sealing the stone. A cord was stretched across the stone door and sealed at each end with wax. The seal would have to be broken to remove the stone.
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