Revelation of John 13:1-8

The Seven-Headed Beast SUMMARY OF REVELATION 13: The Beast That Rises Out of the Sea. Power Given to the Beast by the Dragon. The Head Wounded to Death and Healed. Power Given to Continue Forty-two Months. The Lamb-like Beast That Had the Voice of a Dragon. His Service to the Seven-Headed Beast. The Number of the Beast.

I . . . saw a beast. The twelfth chapter has shown the relentless hostility of the dragon, "the old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan" (Re 12:9 20:2), to the woman, a hostility that has manifested itself in changing forms. Re 12:17 declares his purpose to make war on the seed of the woman. This chapter is intended to show the organized forms in which he has carried on this warfare. The apostle sees a "beast", a wild savage beast, arising out of the sea. The restless ocean is a symbol of commotion.

Having seven heads and ten horns. The beast bears the old dragon mark of seven heads and ten horns (Re 12:3). It must therefore be some manifestation of the same power. Indeed, it is the dragon who has called the beast forth from the sea.

Upon his horns ten crowns. These crowns are "diadems" (Revised Version). They are the sign of royal authority. They represent ten kings or kingdoms (Re 17:12). In Re 12:3, the seven heads had the diadems; now the horns wear them. There is a reason for this that we shall see in the sequel.

And upon his heads the name of blasphemy. If these heads should arrogantly claim divine honors, not belonging to them, these would be names of blasphemy. These heads are said to be seven kings. Sometimes kings have claimed to be gods, as Alexander, who asserted that he was the son of Jupiter Ammon, and the Roman Emperors, who all claimed divine honors and required men to worship their statues and to offer them sacrifices. 13:2 Re 13:2

And the beast which I saw was like a leopard. It was a composite beast which united the characteristics of the beasts seen by Daniel in his vision (Da 7:1-6). The animals combined are all cruel, terrible beasts of prey; a terror to man.

And the dragon gave him his power. That is, this beast was called forth to do the dragon's work, and acted by the dragon's authority.
I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death. The Greek says "slain". This deadly wound of the head was a deadly wound of the beast itself. See Re 13:12. This wound was given by the sword; that is, by war. See Re 13:14. It is in this verse suggested that the beast was restored after the wound by the efforts of the second beast first named in Re 13:11. The symbolism implies that a mortal wound was inflicted on the power represented by the beast; that when it was dead, or about to perish, its power was restored by the arts of the second beast.

All the world wondered after the beast. Gave it their wonder and admiration. 13:4 Re 13:4

They worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast. In following after and obeying the beast they really gave worship to the dragon which had given the beast his power.

And they worshipped the beast. Their worship was, however, directed to the beast itself.

Who [is] like unto the beast? This language implies giving the beast superhuman honors. Similar language is often used of God (Ex 15:11 Ps 113:5 Isa 40:18). The dragon, cast down, receives worship through the beast.
And there was given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies. fHe would make blasphemous claims. Daniel affirms the same of the beast seen in his vision (Da 7:25).

To continue forty [and] two months. The same period named in Re 12:6 11:2 11:3 Da 7:25. The period referred to here, when the beast shall prevail against the church, is one of 1260 years. This is evidently the period of the world's dominion over the Church. 13:6 Re 13:6

He opened his mouth in blasphemy. Three kinds of blasphemy are named: (1) against God; (2) against his tabernacle; (3) against those to whom God has opened his tabernacle. The first would be accomplished by usurping God's prerogatives; the second by maledictions upon the true Church, and the third by curses on the true worshipers.
It was given unto him. He had power to make war on the saints and to overcome them for a long period. Compare Re 12:14-17.

Power was given him. His dominion was also one that seemed universal, and he claimed rule "over all kindreds, and languages, and nations".
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him. All except the true and faithful saints, hidden in obscurity but known above and recorded in the book of life, shall give him homage.
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