Revelation of John 14:13

I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write. We are not told whose voice, but it is a voice of authority. The words to be written are next stated.

Blessed [are] the dead which die in the Lord. Not all the dead, but those dead who die in the Lord. Only those die "in" the Lord who are "in" the Lord when they die. The Christian life, begun by faith and baptism "into Christ" (Ro 6:3), is a life in Christ. To be assured of this blessed death one must live a Christian life.

From henceforth. Probably from the time of this utterance to John, though some have supposed that the time meant is that of the Lord's coming, which is declared in Re 14:14.

Yea, saith the Spirit. The Spirit confirms the blessing pronounced and states the reason.

That they may rest from their labours. Yet though they rest their labors are not lost; they follow them to eternity to speak for them.

Revelation of John 19:9

And he saith unto me, Write. This always implies a very important message.

Blessed [are] they which are called to the marriage supper of the

Lamb. The blessing is upon those who have a part in the blessedness of this holy union. Those will be called who have wedding garments pure and white of fine linen. See Re 19:8.
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