Exodus 28


Type of Christ, our High Priest. Christ is a priest after the order of Melchizedek, but He executes his priestly office after the pattern of Aaron. Heb. 7. gives the order; Heb. 9., the pattern.

(See Scofield "Genesis 14:18").
holy garments

Heb. qodesh= "set apart" for God. Trans. "holy," v.2; "consecrate," v.3. Often trans. "sanctify." See summary, (See Scofield "Zechariah 8:3"). This is always the fundamental idea of a holy, consecrated, separated, or sanctified person or thing--something set apart for God. Infinite confusion would have been spared the reader if qodesh had been uniformly trans. "set apart."

Heb. qodesh= "set apart" for God. Trans. "holy," v.2; "consecrate," v.3. Often trans. "sanctify." See summary, (See Scofield "Zechariah 8:3"). This is always the fundamental idea of a holy, consecrated, separated, or sanctified person or thing--something set apart for God. Infinite confusion would have been spared the reader if qodesh had been uniformly trans. "set apart."

(See Scofield "Exodus 29:5").
take gold Gold, Deity in manifestation; blue, heavenly; purple, royalty; scarlet, sacrifice; fine linen, personal righteousness, see margin ref., Exodus 26:1.

(See Scofield "Exodus 26:1").
ephod Gold, Deity in manifestation; blue, heavenly; purple, royalty; scarlet, sacrifice; fine linen, personal righteousness, see margin ref., Exodus 26:1.

(See Scofield "Exodus 26:1").

The place of strenghth. Isaiah 9:6; Luke 15:4,5.
gold Gold, Deity in manifestation; blue, heavenly; purple, royalty; scarlet, sacrifice; fine linen, personal righteousness, see margin ref., Exodus 26:1.

(See Scofield "Exodus 26:1").

The place of affection. Cf. Exodus 28:12.
Urim and Thummim

Urim and Thummim, meaning "lights and perfections." Some make these to be simply a collective name for the stones of the breastplate, so that the total effect of the twelve stones is to manifest the "lights and perfections" of Him who is the antitype of the Aaronic high priest. Per contra, Leviticus 8:8. This would seem to be conclusive that "the Urim and Thummim" are additional to the stones of the breastplate. In use the Urim and Thummim were connected, in some way not clearly expressed, with the ascertainment of the divine will in particular cases ; Numbers 27:21; Deuteronomy 33:8; 1 Samuel 28:6; Ezra 2:63.

(See Scofield "Exodus 29:5").

i.e. be responsible for every neglect or offence respecting "the holy things," etc.

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