Zechariah 6

four chariots

The interpretation of the tenth vision must be governed by the authoritative declaration of Zechariah 6:5. That which is symbolized by the four chariots with their horses is not the four world-empires of Daniel, but "the four spirits of heaven which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth" (Zechariah 6:5). These "spirits" are angels ; Luke 1:19; Hebrews 1:14 and are most naturally interpreted of the four angels of ; Revelation 7:1-3; 9:14,15. These have also a ministry earthward, and of like nature with the "spirits" of Zechariah 6:1-8. viz. judgment. The symbol (chariots and horses) is in perfect harmony with this. Always in Scripture symbolism they stand for the power of God earthward in judgment. ; Jeremiah 46:9,10; Joel 2:3-11 Nahum 3:1-7. The vision, then, speaks of the Lord's judgments upon the Gentile nations north and south in the day of the Lord ; Isaiah 2:10-22; Revelation 19:11-21.

(See Scofield "Hebrews 1:4")

Following the earth-judgments symbolized in the horsed chariots (Zechariah 6:1-8) comes the manifestation of Christ in His kingdom glory (Zechariah 6:9-15). This is the invariable prophetic order: first the judgments of the day of the Lord ; Isaiah 2:10-22; Revelation 19:11-21 then the kingdom (cf) ; Psalms 2:5; 2:6; Isaiah 3:24-26; 4:2-6 ; 10:33,34; 11:1-10; Revelation 19:19-21; 20:4-6. This is set forth symbolically by the crowning of Joshua, which was not a vision, but actually done (cf) ; Isaiah 8:3,4; Ezekiel 37:16-22. The fulfilment in the BRANCH will infinitely transcend the symbol. He "shall bear the glory" ; Zechariah 6:13; Matthew 16:27; 24:30; 25:31 as the Priest-King on His own throne (Zechariah 6:12,13; Hebrews 7:1-3). Christ is now a Priest, but still in the holiest within the veil ; Leviticus 16:15; Hebrews 9:11-14,24 and seated on the Father's throne Revelation 3:21. He has not yet come out to take His own throne Hebrews 9:28. The crowns made for the symbolical crowning of Joshua were to be laid up in the temple as a memorial to keep alive this larger hope of Israel.

(See Scofield "Isaiah 4:2")

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