Genesis 25:28-34


The "birthright" had three elements:

  • (1) Until the establishment of the Aaronic priesthood the head of the family exercised priestly rights.
  • (2) The Abrahamic family held the Edenic promise of the Satan-Bruiser Genesis 3:15. --Abel, Seth, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Esau.
  • (3) Esau, as the firstborn, was in the direct line of the Abrahamic promise of the Earth-Blesser Genesis 12:3.

For all that was revealed, in Esau might have fulfilled those two great Messianic promises. This birthright Esau sold for a momentary fleshly gratification. Jacob's conception of the birthright at that time was, doubtless, carnal and inadequate, but his desire for it evidenced true faith.

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