Matthew 24:3

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The beginning of the Olivet Discourse

Mat 24 with Luke 21:20-24 answers the threefold question. The order is as follows: "when shall these things be?"--i.e. destruction of the temple and city. Answer: Luke 21:20-24.

Second and third questions: "And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the age?" Answer: Matthew 24:4-33.

Verses 4 to 14 have a double interpretation: They give

  • (1) the character of the age--wars, international conflicts, famines, pestilences, persecutions, and false Christs (cf) Daniel 9:26.

This is not the description of a converted world.

  • (2) But the same answer (Matthew 24:4-14) applies in a specific way to the end of the age, viz. Daniel's seventieth week. Daniel 9:24-27. (See Scofield "Daniel 9:24").

All that has characterized the age gathers into awful intensity at the end. Verse 14 has specific reference to the proclamation of the good news that the kingdom is again "at hand" by the Jewish remnant Isaiah 1:9; Revelation 14:6,7. (See Scofield "Romans 11:5").

Verse 15 gives the sign of the abomination, (See Scofield "Daniel 9:27") , the "man of sin," or "Beast" 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8; Daniel 9:27; 12:11; Revelation 13:4-7.

This introduces the great tribulation Psalms 2:5. (See Scofield "Revelation 7:14") , which runs its awful course of three and a half years, culminating in the battle of See Scofield "Revelation 19:19" at which time Christ becomes the smiting Stone of Daniel 2:34.

The detail of this period (Matthew 24:15-28) is:

  • (1) The abomination in the holy place (Matthew 24:15);
  • (2) the warning (Matthew 24:16-20) to believing Jews who will then be in Jerusalem;
  • (3) the great tribulation, with renewed warning as to false Christs (Matthew 24:21-26);
  • (4) the sudden smiting of the Gentile world-power (Matthew 24:27,28);
  • (5) the glorious appearing of the Lord, visible to all nations, and the regathering of Israel (Matthew 24:29-31);
  • (6) the sign of the fig-tree (Matthew 24:32,33);
  • (7) warnings, applicable to this present age over which these events are ever impending (Matthew 24:34-51). Philemon 4:5.

Careful study of Da 2,7, 9, and Re 13 will make the interpretation clear. See, also, "Remnant" (Isa 1:9; Romans 11:5).

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