Revelation of John 19:19-21

make war

The day of Jehovah (called, also, "that day," and "the great day") is that lengthened period of time beginning with the return of the Lord in glory, and ending with the purgation of the heavens and the earth by fire preparatory to the new heavens and the new earth Isaiah 65:17-19; Isaiah 66:22; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1. The order of events appears to be:

The day of the Lord is preceded by seven signs:

make war Armageddon (battle of). See note, Revelation 16:14; 19:17 (See Scofield "Revelation 19:17")

The Beast, Summary: This "Beast" is the "little horn" of Daniel 7:24-26 and "desolator" of Daniel 9:27 the "abomination of desolation" of Matthew 24:15 the "man of sin" of 2 Thessalonians 2:4-8 earth's last and most awful tyrant, Satan's fell instrument of wrath and hatred against God and the Jewish saints. He is, perhaps, identical with the rider on the white horse of Revelation 6:2 who begins by the peaceful conquest of three of the ten kingdoms into which the former Roman empire will then be divided, but who soon establishes the ecclesiastical and governmental tyranny described in Dan. 7., 9., 11.; Re 13. To him Satan gives the power which he offered to Christ. ; Matthew 4:8,9; Revelation 13:4. See "The great tribulation," Psalms 2:5.

(See Scofield "Revelation 7:14").

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