Revelation of John 20:12


The final judgment. The subjects are the "dead." As the redeemed were raised from among the dead one thousand years before Revelation 20:5 and have been in glory with Christ during that period, the "dead" can only be the wicked dead, from the beginning to the setting up of the great white throne in space. As there are degrees of punishment Luke 12:27,48 the dead are judged according to their works. The book of life is there to answer such as plead their works for justification, e.g. Matthew 7:22,23 an awful blank where the name might have been.

The Judgments, Summary: Among the many judgments mentioned in Scripture, seven are invested with especial significance. These are:

  • (1) The judgment of the Believer's sins in the cross of Christ (See Scofield "John 12:31").
  • (2) the believer's self-judgment (See Scofield "1 Corinthians 11:31").
  • (3) the judgment of the believers' works (See Scofield "2 Corinthians 5:10")
  • (4) the judgment of the nations at the return of Christ (See Scofield "Matthew 25:32")
  • (5) the judgment of Israel at the return of Christ (See Scofield "Ezekiel 20:37")
  • (6) the judgment of angels after the one thousand years (See Scofield "Jude 1:6") , and
  • (7) the judgment of the wicked dead with which the history of the present earth ends.
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