Revelation of John 7:9-14


(See Scofield "Romans 1:16").
angels(See Scofield "Hebrews 1:4").

beasts living creatures. (See Scofield "Ezekiel 1:5").

The great tribulation is the period of unexampled trouble predicted in the passages cited under that head from Psalms 2:5 to Revelation 7:14 and described in Re 11.-18. Involving in a measure the whole earth Revelation 3:10 it is yet distinctly "the time of Jacob's trouble" Jeremiah 30:7 and its vortex Jerusalem and the Holy Land. It involves the people of God who will have returned to Palestine in unbelief. Its duration is three and a half years, or the last half of the seventieth week of Daniel. (See Scofield "Daniel 9:24"). Revelation 11:2,3 The elements of the tribulation are:

  • (1) The cruel reign of the "beast out of the sea" Revelation 13:1 who at the beginning of the three and a half years, will break his covenant with the Jews (by virtue of which they will have re-established the temple worship, Daniel 9:27 and show himself in the temple, demanding that he be worshipped as God ; Matthew 24:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:4.
  • (2) The active interposition of Satan "having great wrath" Revelation 12:12 who gives his power to the Beast Revelation 13:4,5.
  • (3) The unprecedented activity of demons Revelation 9:2,11 and
  • (4) the terrible "bowl" judgments of Re 16.

The great tribulation will be, however, a period of salvation. An election out of Israel is seen as sealed for God Revelation 7:4-8 and, with an innumerable multitude of Gentiles Revelation 7:9 are said to have come "out of the great tribulation" Revelation 7:14. They are not of the priesthood, the church, to which they seem to stand somewhat in the relation of the Levites to the priests under the Mosaic Covenant. The great tribulation is immediately followed by the return of Christ in glory, and the events associated therewith Matthew 24:29,30.

See "Remnant" Isaiah 1:9.

(See Scofield "Romans 11:5"). "Beast" See Scofield "Daniel 9:24" See Scofield "Revelation 19:20" "Armageddon" Revelation 16:14. See Scofield "Revelation 19:17".
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