Zechariah 12:1-4


Zech. 12.-14. from one prophecy the general theme of which is the return of the Lord and the establishment of the kingdom. The order is:

  • (1) The siege of Jerusalem preceding the battle of Armageddon (Zechariah 12:1-3);
  • (2) the battle itself (Zechariah 12:4-9);
  • (3) the "latter rain" in the pouring out of the Spirit and the personal revelation of Christ to the family of David and the remnant in Jerusalem, not merely as the glorious Deliverer, but as the One whom Israel pierced and has long rejected (Zechariah 12:10);
  • (4) the godly sorrow which follows that revelation (Zechariah 12:11-14);
  • (5) the cleansing fountain Zechariah 13:1 then to be effectually "opened" to Israel.

and the mount of Olives

Zechariah 14:5 implies that the cleavage of the Mount of Olives is due to an earthquake, and this is confirmed by ; Isaiah 29:6; Revelation 16:19. In both passages the context, as in Zechariah 14:1-3 associates the earthquake with the Gentile invasion under the Beast ; Daniel 7:8; Revelation 19:20. Surely, in a land seamed by seismic disturbances it should not be difficult to believe that another earthquake might cleave the little hill called the Mount of Olives. Not one of the associated events of Zech. 14 occurred at the first coming of Christ, closely associated though He then was with the Mount of Olives.
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