2 Samuel 8:5-6

And when.

1Ki 11:23-25; 1Ch 18:5,6; Isa 7:8


Job 9:13; Ps 83:4-8; Isa 8:9,10; 31:3

Zobah.From 2 Ch 8:3, we learn that Zobah was the district in which Tadmor or Palymyra was situated; and consequently lay between the land of Israel and the Euphrates. The capital was probably the same as the Sabe mentioned by Ptolemy as a city of Arabia Deserta.


14; 23:14; 1Sa 13:3; 14:1,6,15; 2Ch 17:2; Ps 18:34-46



the Lord.

14; 7:9; 1Ch 18:13; Ps 5:11,12; 121:7,8; 140:7; 144:1,2; Pr 21:31

1 Kings 11:23-24


14; 2Sa 16:11; Ezr 1:1; Isa 13:17; 37:26; 45:5; Eze 38:16


2Sa 8:3; 10:8,15-18; 1Ch 18:3-9; 19:6,16-19


Ps 60:1; *title

to Damascus.

19:15; 20:34; Ge 14:15; Ac 9:2

in Damascus.Damascus, called also Damesk, but generally El Sham, by the Arabs, is situated in a delightful plain, well watered by the Barrada, at the eastern foot of Antilibanus, being surrounded by the hills in the form of a triumphal arch, 136 miles N. of Jerusalem, 195 S. of Antioch, and 276 S. S. W. of Diarbekir. It is a city of the highest antiquity, being at least as ancient as the time of Abraham: it has been often captured, and several times demolished, but has always risen to splendour and dignity. The modern town is described by Maundrell as of a long, straight figure, it ends pointing nearly N. E. and S. W. It is very slender in the middle, but swells bigger at each end, especially at that to the N. E. According to Niebuhr, the walls are something less than a league and half in circumference; and the population is estimated at from 100,000 to 150,000
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