KJV Matt 5:1Orig VocabGrammarAnd δέConj. seeing ὁράωParticiple the multitudes, [ὁ | ὄχλος]Art. Noun he went up ἀναβαίνωVerb into εἰςPrep. a mountain: [ὁ | ὄρος]Art. Noun and καίConj. when καθίζωParticiple he αὐτόςPers.Prn was set, καθίζωParticiple his αὐτόςPers.Prn disciples [ὁ | μαθητής]Art. Noun came unto προσέρχομαιVerb him: αὐτόςPers.Prn KJV Matt 5:2Orig VocabGrammarAnd καίConj. he opened ἀνοίγωParticiple his αὐτόςPers.Prn mouth, [ὁ | στόμα]Art. Noun and taught διδάσκωVerb them, αὐτόςPers.Prn saying, λέγωParticiple KJV Matt 5:3Orig VocabGrammarBlessed μακάριοςAdjective are the poor πτωχόςAdjective in spirit: [ὁ | πνεῦμα]Art. Noun for ὅτιConj. theirs αὐτόςPers.Prn is εἰμίVerb the kingdom [ὁ | βασιλεία]Art. Noun of heaven. [ὁ | οὐρανός]Art. Noun KJV Matt 5:4Orig VocabGrammarBlessed μακάριοςAdjective are they that mourn: πενθέωParticiple for ὅτιConj. they αὐτόςPers.Prn shall be comforted. παρακαλέωVerb KJV Matt 5:5Orig VocabGrammarBlessed μακάριοςAdjective are the meek: πραΰςAdjective for ὅτιConj. they αὐτόςPers.Prn shall inherit κληρονομέωVerb the earth. [ὁ | γῆ]Art. Noun KJV Matt 5:6Orig VocabGrammarBlessed μακάριοςAdjective are they which do hunger πεινάωParticiple and καίConj. thirst διψάωParticiple after righteousness: [ὁ | δικαιοσύνη]Art. Noun for ὅτιConj. they αὐτόςPers.Prn shall be filled. χορτάζωVerb KJV Matt 5:7Orig VocabGrammarBlessed μακάριοςAdjective are the merciful: ἐλεήμωνAdjective for ὅτιConj. they αὐτόςPers.Prn shall obtain mercy. ἐλεέωVerb KJV Matt 5:8Orig VocabGrammarBlessed μακάριοςAdjective are the pure καθαρόςAdjective in heart: [ὁ | καρδία]Art. Noun for ὅτιConj. they αὐτόςPers.Prn shall see ὁράωVerb God. [ὁ | θεός]Art. Noun KJV Matt 5:9Orig VocabGrammarBlessed μακάριοςAdjective are the peacemakers: εἰρηνοποιόςAdjective for ὅτιConj. they αὐτόςPers.Prn shall be called καλέωVerb the children υἱόςNoun of God. θεόςNoun KJV Matt 5:10Orig VocabGrammarBlessed μακάριοςAdjective are they which are persecuted διώκωParticiple for ἕνεκαPrep. righteousness’ δικαιοσύνηNoun sake: ἕνεκαPrep. for ὅτιConj. theirs αὐτόςPers.Prn is εἰμίVerb the kingdom [ὁ | βασιλεία]Art. Noun of heaven. [ὁ | οὐρανός]Art. Noun KJV Matt 5:11Orig VocabGrammarBlessed μακάριοςAdjective are ye, εἰμίVerb when ὅτανConj. men shall revile ὀνειδίζωVerb you, σύPers.Prn and καίConj. persecute διώκωVerb you, and καίConj. shall say λέγωVerb all manner of πᾶςAdjective evil πονηρόςAdjective against κατάPrep. you σύPers.Prn falsely, ψεύδομαιParticiple for ἕνεκαPrep. my ἐγώPers.Prn sake. ἕνεκαPrep. KJV Matt 5:12Orig VocabGrammarRejoice, χαίρωVerb and καίConj. be exceeding glad: ἀγαλλιάωVerb for ὅτιConj. great πολύςAdjective is your σύPers.Prn reward [ὁ | μισθός]Art. Noun in ἐνPrep. heaven: [ὁ | οὐρανός]Art. Noun for γάρConj. so οὕτωςAdverb persecuted they διώκωVerb the prophets [ὁ | προφήτης]Art. Noun which were ὁArt. before πρόPrep. you. σύPers.Prn KJV Matt 5:13Orig VocabGrammarYe σύPers.Prn are εἰμίVerb the salt [ὁ | ἅλας]Art. Noun of the earth: [ὁ | γῆ]Art. Noun but δέConj. if ἐάνCond. the salt [ὁ | ἅλας]Art. Noun have lost his savour, μωραίνωVerb wherewith τίςInterrog.Prn shall it be salted? ἁλίζωVerb it is ἰσχύωVerb thenceforth ἔτιAdverb good ἰσχύωVerb for εἰςPrep. nothing, οὐδείςAdjective but μήParticle to be cast βάλλωVerb out, ἔξωAdverb and καίConj. to be trodden under foot καταπατέωVerb of ὑπόPrep. men. [ὁ | ἄνθρωπος]Art. Noun KJV Matt 5:14Orig VocabGrammarYe σύPers.Prn are εἰμίVerb the light [ὁ | φῶς]Art. Noun of the world. [ὁ | κόσμος]Art. Noun A city πόλιςNoun that is set κεῖμαιParticiple on ἐπάνωAdverb an hill ὄροςNoun cannot δύναμαιVerb be hid. κρύπτωVerb KJV Matt 5:15Orig VocabGrammarNeither οὐδέConj. do men light καίωVerb a candle, λύχνοςNoun and καίConj. put τίθημιVerb it αὐτόςPers.Prn under ὑπόPrep. a bushel, [ὁ | μόδιος]Art. Noun but ἀλλάConj. on ἐπίPrep. a candlestick; [ὁ | λυχνία]Art. Noun and καίConj. it giveth light λάμπωVerb unto all πᾶςAdjective that are ὁArt. in ἐνPrep. the house. [ὁ | οἰκία]Art. Noun KJV Matt 5:16Orig VocabGrammarLet your σύPers.Prn light [ὁ | φῶς]Art. Noun so οὕτωςAdverb shine λάμπωVerb before ἔμπροσθενPrep. men, [ὁ | ἄνθρωπος]Art. Noun that ὅπωςAdverb they may see ὁράωVerb your σύPers.Prn good καλόςAdjective works, ἔργονNoun and καίConj. glorify δοξάζωVerb your σύPers.Prn Father [ὁ | πατήρ]Art. Noun which is ὁArt. in ἐνPrep. heaven. [ὁ | οὐρανός]Art. Noun KJV Matt 5:17Orig VocabGrammarThink νομίζωVerb not μήParticle that ὅτιConj. I am come ἔρχομαιVerb to destroy καταλύωVerb the law, [ὁ | νόμος]Art. Noun or ἤParticle the prophets: [ὁ | προφήτης]Art. Noun I am ἔρχομαιVerb not οὐParticle come ἔρχομαιVerb to destroy, καταλύωVerb but ἀλλάConj. to fulfil. πληρόωVerb KJV Matt 5:18Orig VocabGrammarFor γάρConj. verily ἀμήνHebrew I say λέγωVerb unto you, σύPers.Prn Till ἕωςAdverb heaven [ὁ | οὐρανός]Art. Noun and καίConj. earth [ὁ | γῆ]Art. Noun pass, παρέρχομαιVerb one εἷςAdjective jot ἰῶταNoun or ἤParticle one εἷςAdjective tittle κεραίαNoun shall παρέρχομαιVerb in no οὐParticle wise μήParticle pass παρέρχομαιVerb from ἀπόPrep. the law, [ὁ | νόμος]Art. Noun till ἕωςAdverb all πᾶςAdjective be fulfilled. γίνομαιVerb KJV Matt 5:19Orig VocabGrammarWhosoever ὅςRel.Prn therefore οὖνConj. shall break λύωVerb one εἷςAdjective of these οὗτοςDem.Prn least ἐλάχιστοςAdjective commandments, [ὁ | ἐντολή]Art. Noun and καίConj. shall teach διδάσκωVerb men [ὁ | ἄνθρωπος]Art. Noun so οὕτωςAdverb , he shall be called καλέωVerb the least ἐλάχιστοςin ἐνPrep. the kingdom [ὁ | βασιλεία]Art. Noun of heaven: [ὁ | οὐρανός]Art. Noun but δέConj. whosoever ὅςRel.Prn shall do ποιέωVerb and καίConj. teach διδάσκωVerb them, the same οὗτοςDem.Prn shall be called καλέωVerb great μέγαςAdjective in ἐνPrep. the kingdom [ὁ | βασιλεία]Art. Noun of heaven. [ὁ | οὐρανός]Art. Noun KJV Matt 5:20Orig VocabGrammarFor γάρConj. I say λέγωVerb unto you, σύPers.Prn That ὅτιConj. except ἐάνCond. your σύPers.Prn righteousness [ὁ | δικαιοσύνη]Art. Noun shall exceed περισσεύωVerb the righteousness of the scribes [ὁ | γραμματεύς]Art. Noun and καίConj. Pharisees, ΦαρισαῖοςNoun ye shall εἰσέρχομαιVerb in no οὐParticle case μήParticle enter εἰσέρχομαιVerb into εἰςPrep. the kingdom [ὁ | βασιλεία]Art. Noun of heaven. [ὁ | οὐρανός]Art. Noun KJV Matt 5:21Orig VocabGrammarYe have heard ἀκούωVerb that ὅτιConj. it was said ἐρῶVerb by them of old time, ἀρχαῖοςAdjective Thou shalt φονεύωVerb not οὐParticle kill; φονεύωVerb and δέConj. whosoever ὅςRel.Prn shall kill φονεύωVerb shall be εἰμίVerb in danger ἔνοχοςAdjective of the judgment: [ὁ | κρίσις]Art. Noun KJV Matt 5:22Orig VocabGrammarBut δέConj. I ἐγώPers.Prn say λέγωVerb unto you, σύPers.Prn That ὅτιConj. whosoever πᾶςAdjective is angry [ὁ | ὀργίζω]Art. Participle with [ὁ | ἀδελφός]Art. Noun his αὐτόςPers.Prn brother [ὁ | ἀδελφός]Art. Noun without a cause εἰκῇAdverb shall be εἰμίVerb in danger ἔνοχοςAdjective of the judgment: [ὁ | κρίσις]Art. Noun and δέConj. whosoever ὅςRel.Prn shall say λέγωVerb to [ὁ | ἀδελφός]Art. Noun his αὐτόςPers.Prn brother, [ὁ | ἀδελφός]Art. Noun Raca, ῥακάAramaic shall be εἰμίVerb in danger ἔνοχοςAdjective of the council: [ὁ | συνέδριον]Art. Noun but δέConj. whosoever ὅςRel.Prn shall say, λέγωVerb Thou fool, μωρόςAdjective shall be εἰμίVerb in danger ἔνοχοςAdjective of εἰςPrep. hell [ὁ | γέεννα]Art. Noun fire. [ὁ | πῦρ]Art. Noun KJV Matt 5:23Orig VocabGrammarTherefore οὖνConj. if ἐάνCond. thou bring προσφέρωVerb thy σύPers.Prn gift [ὁ | δῶρον]Art. Noun to ἐπίPrep. the altar, [ὁ | θυσιαστήριον]Art. Noun and there κἀκεῖAdverb rememberest μιμνήσκωVerb that ὅτιConj. thy σύPers.Prn brother [ὁ | ἀδελφός]Art. Noun hath ἔχωVerb ought τιςIndef.Prn against κατάPrep. thee; σύPers.Prn KJV Matt 5:24Orig VocabGrammarLeave ἀφίημιVerb there ἐκεῖAdverb thy σύPers.Prn gift [ὁ | δῶρον]Art. Noun before ἔμπροσθενPrep. the altar, [ὁ | θυσιαστήριον]Art. Noun and καίConj. go thy way; ὑπάγωVerb first πρῶτονAdverb be reconciled διαλλάσσωVerb to [ὁ | ἀδελφός]Art. Noun thy σύPers.Prn brother, [ὁ | ἀδελφός]Art. Noun and καίConj. then τότεAdverb come ἔρχομαιParticiple and offer προσφέρωVerb thy σύPers.Prn gift. [ὁ | δῶρον]Art. Noun KJV Matt 5:25Orig VocabGrammarAgree with εὐνοέωParticiple thine σύPers.Prn adversary [ὁ | ἀντίδικος]Art. Noun quickly, ταχύAdverb whiles ὅτουRel.Prn thou art εἰμίVerb in ἐνPrep. the way [ὁ | ὁδός]Art. Noun with μετάPrep. him; αὐτόςPers.Prn lest at any time μήποτεAdverb the adversary [ὁ | ἀντίδικος]Art. Noun deliver παραδίδωμιVerb thee σύPers.Prn to the judge, [ὁ | κριτής]Art. Noun and καίConj. the judge [ὁ | κριτής]Art. Noun deliver παραδίδωμιVerb thee σύPers.Prn to the officer, [ὁ | ὑπηρέτης]Art. Noun and καίConj. thou be cast βάλλωVerb into εἰςPrep. prison. φυλακήNoun KJV Matt 5:26Orig VocabGrammarVerily ἀμήνHebrew I say λέγωVerb unto thee σύPers.Prn , Thou shalt by no οὐParticle means μήParticle come out ἐξέρχομαιVerb thence, ἐκεῖθενAdverb till ἕωςAdverb thou hast paid ἀποδίδωμιVerb the uttermost ἔσχατοςAdjective farthing. κοδράντηςNoun KJV Matt 5:27Orig VocabGrammarYe have heard ἀκούωVerb that ὅτιConj. it was said ἐρῶVerb by them of old time, ἀρχαῖοςAdjective Thou shalt μοιχεύωVerb not οὐParticle commit adultery: μοιχεύωVerb KJV Matt 5:28Orig VocabGrammarBut δέConj. I ἐγώPers.Prn say λέγωVerb unto you, σύPers.Prn That ὅτιConj. whosoever πᾶςAdjective looketh βλέπωParticiple on a woman γυνήNoun to πρόςPrep. lust after ἐπιθυμέωVerb her αὐτόςPers.Prn hath committed adultery μοιχεύωVerb with her αὐτόςPers.Prn already ἤδηAdverb in ἐνPrep. his αὐτόςPers.Prn heart. [ὁ | καρδία]Art. Noun KJV Matt 5:29Orig VocabGrammarAnd δέConj. if εἰCond. thy σύPers.Prn right δεξιόςAdjective eye [ὁ | ὀφθαλμός]Art. Noun offend σκανδαλίζωVerb thee, σύPers.Prn pluck ἐξαιρέωVerb it αὐτόςPers.Prn out, ἐξαιρέωVerb and καίConj. cast βάλλωVerb it from ἀπόPrep. thee: σύPers.Prn for γάρConj. it is profitable συμφέρωVerb for thee σύPers.Prn that ἵναConj. one εἷςAdjective of [ὁ | μέλος]Art. Noun thy σύPers.Prn members [ὁ | μέλος]Art. Noun should perish, ἀπολλύωVerb and καίConj. not μήParticle that thy σύPers.Prn whole ὅλοςAdjective body [ὁ | σῶμα]Art. Noun should be cast βάλλωVerb into εἰςPrep. hell. γέενναNoun KJV Matt 5:30Orig VocabGrammarAnd καίConj. if εἰCond. thy σύPers.Prn right δεξιόςAdjective hand χείρNoun offend σκανδαλίζωVerb thee, σύPers.Prn cut ἐκκόπτωVerb it αὐτόςPers.Prn off, ἐκκόπτωVerb and καίConj. cast βάλλωVerb it from ἀπόPrep. thee: σύPers.Prn for γάρConj. it is profitable συμφέρωVerb for thee σύPers.Prn that ἵναConj. one εἷςAdjective of [ὁ | μέλος]Art. Noun thy σύPers.Prn members [ὁ | μέλος]Art. Noun should perish, ἀπολλύωVerb and καίConj. not μήParticle that thy σύPers.Prn whole ὅλοςAdjective body [ὁ | σῶμα]Art. Noun should be cast βάλλωVerb into εἰςPrep. hell. γέενναNoun KJV Matt 5:31Orig VocabGrammarIt hath been said ἐρῶVerb Whosoever ὅςRel.Prn shall put away ἀπολύωVerb his αὐτόςPers.Prn wife, [ὁ | γυνή]Art. Noun let him give δίδωμιVerb her αὐτόςPers.Prn a writing of divorcement: ἀποστάσιονNoun KJV Matt 5:32Orig VocabGrammarBut δέConj. I ἐγώPers.Prn say λέγωVerb unto you, σύPers.Prn That ὅτιConj. whosoever ὅςRel.Prn shall put away ἀπολύωVerb his αὐτόςPers.Prn wife, [ὁ | γυνή]Art. Noun saving παρεκτόςAdverb for the cause λόγοςNoun of fornication, πορνείαNoun causeth ποιέωVerb her αὐτόςPers.Prn to commit adultery: μοιχάωVerb and καίConj. whosoever ὅςRel.Prn shall marry γαμέωVerb her that is divorced ἀπολύωParticiple committeth adultery. μοιχάωVerb KJV Matt 5:33Orig VocabGrammarAgain, πάλινAdverb ye have heard ἀκούωVerb that ὅτιConj. it hath been said ἐρῶVerb by them of old time, ἀρχαῖοςAdjective Thou shalt ἐπιορκέωVerb not οὐParticle forswear thyself, ἐπιορκέωVerb but δέConj. shalt perform ἀποδίδωμιVerb unto the Lord [ὁ | κύριος]Art. Noun thine σύPers.Prn oaths: [ὁ | ὅρκος]Art. Noun KJV Matt 5:34Orig VocabGrammarBut δέConj. I ἐγώPers.Prn say λέγωVerb unto you, σύPers.Prn Swear ὄμνυμιVerb not μήParticle at all; ὅλωςAdverb neither μήτεConj. by ἐνPrep. heaven; [ὁ | οὐρανός]Art. Noun for ὅτιConj. it is εἰμίVerb God’s [ὁ | θεός]Art. Noun throne: θρόνοςNoun KJV Matt 5:35Orig VocabGrammarNor μήτεConj. by ἐνPrep. the earth; [ὁ | γῆ]Art. Noun for ὅτιConj. it is εἰμίVerb his αὐτόςPers.Prn footstool: ὑποπόδιονNoun neither μήτεConj. by εἰςPrep. Jerusalem; ἹεροσόλυμαNoun for ὅτιConj. it is εἰμίVerb the city πόλιςNoun of the βασιλεύςNoun great μέγαςAdjective King. βασιλεύςNoun KJV Matt 5:36Orig VocabGrammarNeither μήτεConj. shalt thou swear ὄμνυμιVerb by ἐνPrep. thy σύPers.Prn head, [ὁ | κεφαλή]Art. Noun because ὅτιConj. thou canst δύναμαιVerb not οὐParticle make ποιέωVerb one εἷςAdjective hair θρίξNoun white λευκόςAdjective or ἤParticle black. μέλαςAdjective KJV Matt 5:37Orig VocabGrammarBut δέConj. let εἰμίVerb your σύPers.Prn communication [ὁ | λόγος]Art. Noun be, εἰμίVerb Yea, ναίParticle yea; ναίParticle Nay, οὐParticle nay: οὐParticle for δέConj. whatsoever is more than περισσόςAdjective these οὗτοςDem.Prn cometh εἰμίVerb of ἐκPrep. evil. πονηρόςAdjective KJV Matt 5:38Orig VocabGrammarYe have heard ἀκούωVerb that ὅτιConj. it hath been said, ἐρῶVerb An eye ὀφθαλμόςNoun for ἀντίPrep. an eye, ὀφθαλμόςNoun and καίConj. a tooth ὀδούςNoun for ἀντίPrep. a tooth: ὀδούςNoun KJV Matt 5:39Orig VocabGrammarBut δέConj. I ἐγώPers.Prn say λέγωVerb unto you, σύPers.Prn That ye resist ἀνθίστημιVerb not μήParticle evil: πονηρόςAdjective but ἀλλάConj. whosoever ὅστιςRel.Prn shall smite ῥαπίζωVerb thee σύPers.Prn on ἐπίPrep. thy σύPers.Prn right δεξιόςAdjective cheek, σιαγώνNoun turn στρέφωVerb to him αὐτόςPers.Prn the other ἄλλοςAdjective also. καίConj. KJV Matt 5:40Orig VocabGrammarAnd if καίConj. any man will θέλωParticiple sue κρίνωVerb thee σύPers.Prn at the law, κρίνωVerb and καίConj. take away λαμβάνωVerb thy σύPers.Prn coat, [ὁ | χιτών]Art. Noun let ἀφίημιVerb him αὐτόςPers.Prn have ἀφίημιVerb thy cloke [ὁ | ἱμάτιον]Art. Noun also. καίConj. KJV Matt 5:41Orig VocabGrammarAnd καίConj. whosoever ὅστιςRel.Prn shall compel ἀγγαρεύωVerb thee σύPers.Prn to go ἀγγαρεύωVerb a εἷςAdjective mile, μίλιονNoun go ὑπάγωVerb with μετάPrep. him αὐτόςPers.Prn twain. δύοAdjective KJV Matt 5:42Orig VocabGrammarGive δίδωμιVerb to him that asketh αἰτέωParticiple thee, σύPers.Prn and καίConj. from ἀπόPrep. him that would θέλωParticiple borrow δανείζωVerb of thee σύPers.Prn turn ἀποστρέφωVerb not μήParticle thou away. ἀποστρέφωVerb KJV Matt 5:43Orig VocabGrammarYe have heard ἀκούωVerb that ὅτιConj. it hath been said, ἐρῶVerb Thou shalt love ἀγαπάωVerb thy σύPers.Prn neighbour, πλησίονAdverb and καίConj. hate μισέωVerb thine σύPers.Prn enemy. ἐχθρόςAdjective KJV Matt 5:44Orig VocabGrammarBut δέConj. I ἐγώPers.Prn say λέγωVerb unto you, σύPers.Prn Love ἀγαπάωVerb your σύPers.Prn enemies, [ὁ | ἐχθρός]Art. Adjective bless εὐλογέωVerb them that curse [ὁ | καταράομαι]Art. Participle you, σύPers.Prn do ποιέωVerb good καλῶςAdverb to them that hate [ὁ | μισέω]Art. Participle you, σύPers.Prn and καίConj. pray προσεύχομαιVerb for ὑπέρPrep. them which despitefully use [ὁ | ἐπηρεάζω]Art. Participle you, σύPers.Prn and καίConj. persecute διώκωParticiple you; σύPers.Prn KJV Matt 5:45Orig VocabGrammarThat ὅπωςAdverb ye may be γίνομαιVerb the children υἱόςNoun of your σύPers.Prn Father [ὁ | πατήρ]Art. Noun which is ὁArt. in ἐνPrep. heaven: οὐρανόςNoun for ὅτιConj. he maketh ἀνατέλλωVerb his αὐτόςPers.Prn sun [ὁ | ἥλιος]Art. Noun to rise ἀνατέλλωVerb on ἐπίPrep. the evil πονηρόςAdjective and καίConj. on the good, ἀγαθόςAdjective and καίConj. sendeth rain βρέχωVerb on ἐπίPrep. the just δίκαιοςAdjective and καίConj. on the unjust. ἄδικοςAdjective KJV Matt 5:46Orig VocabGrammarFor γάρConj. if ἐάνCond. ye love ἀγαπάωVerb them which love ἀγαπάωParticiple you, σύPers.Prn what τίςInterrog.Prn reward μισθόςNoun have ye? ἔχωVerb do ποιέωVerb not οὐχίParticle even καίConj. the publicans [ὁ | τελώνης]Art. Noun the same? αὐτόςPers.Prn KJV Matt 5:47Orig VocabGrammarAnd καίConj. if ἐάνCond. ye salute ἀσπάζομαιVerb your σύPers.Prn brethren [ὁ | ἀδελφός]Art. Noun only, μόνονAdverb what τίςInterrog.Prn do ποιέωVerb ye more περισσόςAdjective than others? do ποιέωVerb not οὐχίParticle even καίConj. the publicans [ὁ | τελώνης]Art. Noun so? οὕτωςAdverb KJV Matt 5:48Orig VocabGrammarBe εἰμίVerb ye σύPers.Prn therefore οὖνConj. perfect, τέλειοςAdjective even as ὥσπερAdverb your σύPers.Prn Father [ὁ | πατήρ]Art. Noun which is ὁArt. in ἐνPrep. heaven [ὁ | οὐρανός]Art. Noun is εἰμίVerb perfect. τέλειοςAdjective
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