‏ Ephesians 2:13-18

13But now in aChrist Jesus you who bpreviously were cfar away
Lit became; or were made
have ebeen brought near
Or in
gby the blood of Christ.
14For He Himself is hour peace, iwho made both groups into one and broke down the
Lit the dividing wall of the barrier
barrier of the dividing wall,
Or the hostility, by abolishing in His flesh the Law
by labolishing
I.e., by His death
in His flesh the hostility, which is nthe Law composed of commandments expressed in ordinances, so that in Himself He might
Lit create
pmake the two qone new person, in this way establishing rpeace;
16and that He might sreconcile them both in tone body to God through the cross,
Or in Himself
by it having vput to death the hostility.
17And wHe came and preached xpeace to you who were yfar away, and peace to those who were znear; 18for through Him we both have aaour access in abone Spirit to acthe Father.
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