‏ Hebrews 9:11-14

11 But when Christ appeared as a ahigh priest of the bgood things
One early ms to come
having come, He entered through dthe greater and more perfect
Or sacred tent
tabernacle, fnot made by hands, that is, gnot of this creation;
12and not through hthe blood of goats and calves, but ithrough His own blood, He jentered the holy place konce for all time,
Or obtaining
having obtained meternal redemption.
13For if nthe blood of goats and bulls, and othe
I.e., ashes mixed in water
ashes of a heifer sprinkling those who have been defiled, sanctify for the
Lit purity
cleansing of the flesh,
14how much more will rthe blood of Christ, who through
Or His eternal spirit
tthe eternal Spirit uoffered Himself without blemish to God, vcleanse your conscience from wdead works to serve xthe living God?
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