Proverbs 2

The Pursuit of Wisdom Brings Security

1 My son, if you will areceive my words
And btreasure my commandments within you,
2 cMake your ear attentive to wisdom;
Incline your heart to understanding.
3 For if you cry out for insight,
Lit give
raise your voice for understanding;
4 If you seek her as esilver
And search for her as for fhidden treasures;
5 Then you will understand the gfear of the Lord,
And discover the knowledge of God.
6 For hthe Lord gives wisdom;
From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
7 He stores up sound wisdom for the upright;
He is a ishield to those who walk in integrity,
8 Guarding the paths of justice,
And He jwatches over the way of His godly ones.
9 Then you will discern krighteousness, justice,
And integrity, and every lgood path.
10 For mwisdom will enter your heart,
And nknowledge will be delightful to your soul;
11 Discretion will owatch over you,
Understanding will guard you,
12 To prescue you from the way of evil,
From a person who speaks qperverse things;
13 From those who rleave the paths of uprightness
To walk in the sways of darkness;
14 Who tdelight in doing evil
And rejoice in the perversity of evil;
15 Whose paths are ucrooked,
And who are devious in their ways;
16 To vrescue you from the strange woman,
From the wforeign woman who flatters with her words,
17 Who leaves the xcompanion of her youth
And forgets the ycovenant of her God;
18 For zher house sinks down to death,
And her tracks lead to the
Lit departed spirits
19 None abwho go to her return,
Nor do they reach the acpaths of life.
20 So you will adwalk in the way of good people
And keep to the aepaths of the righteous.
21 For afthe upright will live in the land,
And agthe blameless will remain in it;
22 But ahthe wicked will be eliminated from the land,
And aithe treacherous will be ajtorn away from it.
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