Psalms 72:1-5
The Reign of the Righteous King.
A Psalm of Solomon.
1 Give the king aYour judgments, God,
And bYour righteousness to the king’s son.
2 ▼
▼Or He will judge
May ▼▼Many of the pronouns in this Psalm may be rendered He since the typical reference is to the Messiah
he ejudge Your people with righteousness And ▼
▼Or Your humble
gYour afflicted with justice. 3 ▼
▼Or The mountains will bring
May the mountains bring ▼▼Or prosperity
jpeace to the people, And the hills, in righteousness.
4 ▼
▼Or He will vindicate
May he lvindicate the ▼▼Or humble
afflicted of the people, Save the children of the needy,
And crush the oppressor.
5 ▼
▼Or They will fear
May they fear You owhile the sun shines, And ▼
▼Lit before the moon
as long as the moon shines, throughout all generations.
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