Hosea 7
Ephraim’s Wrongdoing
1 When I awould heal Israel,
The wrongdoing of Ephraim is uncovered,
And the evil deeds of Samaria,
For they practice bdeception;
The thief enters,
A band of crobbers attack outside,
2 And they do not ▼
▼Lit say to their
consider in their hearts That I eremember all their wickedness.
Now their fdeeds surround them;
They are before My face.
3 gWith their wickedness they make the hking happy,
And the officials with their ilies.
4 They are jall adulterers,
Like an oven heated by the baker,
Who stops ▼
▼Lit stirring up
stoking the fire From the time the dough is kneaded until it is leavened.
5 On the ▼
▼I.e., a festive occasion
day of our king, the officials mbecame sick with the heat of wine; He stretched out his hand with ▼
▼Or rebels
oscoffers, 6 For their hearts are like an poven
As they approach their ▼
▼Lit ambush
plotting; Their ▼
▼As in some ancient versions; MT baker
anger ▼▼Lit is asleep
smolders all night, In the morning it burns like flaming fire.
7 All of them are hot like an oven,
And they consume their trulers;
All their kings have fallen.
uNone of them calls on Me.
8 Ephraim is himself vthrown about with the ▼
▼Lit peoples
nations; Ephraim has become a round loaf not turned over.
9 xStrangers devour his strength,
Yet he ydoes not know it;
Gray hairs also are sprinkled on him,
Yet he does not know it.
10 Though the zpride of Israel testifies against him,
Yet aathey have not returned to the Lord their God,
Nor have they sought Him, despite all this.
11 So abEphraim has become like a gullible dove, acwithout ▼
▼Lit heart
sense; They call to aeEgypt, they go to afAssyria.
12 When they go, I will agspread My net over them;
I will bring them down like the birds of the sky.
I will ahdiscipline them in accordance with the ▼
▼Lit report
proclamation to their assembly. 13 ajWoe to them, for they have akstrayed from Me!
Destruction is theirs, for they have rebelled against Me!
I alwould redeem them, but they have spoken lies against Me.
14 And amthey do not cry to Me from their heart
When they wail on their beds;
For the sake of grain and new wine they ▼
▼Or LXX and many ancient mss gash themselves
aoassemble themselves, They apturn against Me.
15 Although I trained and strengthened their arms,
Yet they aqdevise evil against Me.
16 They turn, but not ▼
▼Or possibly to the Most High
upward, They are like a asloose bow;
Their officials will fall by the sword
Because of the ▼
▼Lit cursing
auinsolence of their tongue. This will be their avderision in the land of Egypt.
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