Jeremiah 15:15-18

15 aO Lord, you know;
bremember me and visit me,
c, dand take vengeance for me on my persecutors.
In your forbearance take me not away;
eknow that ffor your sake I bear reproach.
16Your words were found, gand I ate them,
and hyour words became to me a joy
and the delight of my heart,
ifor I am called by your name,
O Lord, God of hosts.
17 jI did not sit in the company of revelers,
nor did I rejoice;
kI sat alone, because your hand was upon me,
for you had filled me with indignation.
18Why is my pain unceasing,
lmy wound incurable,
refusing to be healed?
Will you be to me mlike a deceitful brook,
like waters that fail?
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