Acts 13:1-4

Antioch. This city was now, for some time, one of the chief centres of influence and communication occupied by the Christians.—Had been brought up; in childhood.

The Holy Ghost said; perhaps by some extraordinary mode of communication to the church in general; or possibly the meaning may be, that some one under the influence of the Holy Spirit made this proposal.

Laid their hands on them; as a ceremony of consecration, not to the work of the ministry in general, but to this special enterprise. This form, connected with fasting, and prayer, was used on a great variety of occasions.

Seleucia; the seaport of Antioch, on the Mediterranean, at the mouth of the Orontes, Antioch being about twenty miles inland.—Cyprus. This island was the place from which Barnabas originally came. (Acts 4:36.) It was large and populous island, about one hundred and seventy miles long from Salamis to Paphos.

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