Luke 22:13

These verses convey the impression very strongly, that it was the Passover which Jesus celebrated at this time with his disciples on what we should call Thursday evening, as he was crucified on the following day, which was the day before the Jewish Sabbath,—our Saturday. But, from several allusions in John s Gospel, particularly John 13:1, 29; 18:28; 19:14, it would seem the Passover was not celebrated by the Jews till the following day, that is, Friday. Several ingenious hypotheses have been advanced by the learned to account for this discrepancy. It is, perhaps, on the whole, most probable that the allusions in John refer not to the eating of the paschal lamb, which took place on the first evening, but to the services of the remaining seven days, during which the feast of the passover continued. Some, not satisfied with this explanation, suppose that Jesus anticipated the time one day, on account of his approaching crucifixion.

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