1 Timothy 6:1

1st Timothy Chapter 6

Analysis of the Chapter

This chapter embraces the following subjects of counsel and exhortation:--

(1.) The kind of instruction which was to be given to servants, 1Timm 6:1-5. They were to treat their masters with all proper respect, 1Timm 6:1; if their masters were Christians, they were, on that account, to serve them with the more fidelity, 1Timm 6:2; and any opposite kind of teaching would tend only to stir up strife and produce dissatisfaction and contention, and could proceed only from a proud and self-confident heart.

(2.) The advantage of piety and of a contented mind, 1Timm 6:6-8. The argument for this is, that we brought nothing into the world, and can carry nothing out; that our essential wants here are food and raiment; and that, having enough to make us comfortable, we should be content.

(3.) The evils of a desire to be rich, 1Timm 6:9,10; evils seen in the temptations to which it leads; the passions which it fosters; and the danger to religion itself.

(4.) An exhortation to Timothy, as a minister of religion, to pursue higher and nobler objects, 1Timm 6:11-16. He was

(a) to avoid these worldly things; he was

(b) to pursue nobler objects.

He was to follow after righteousness, and to fight the good fight of faith. To do this, he was to be encouraged by the assurance that the great and only Potentate would, in due time, place the crown on his head.

(5.) The duty of those who were rich--for it is supposed that some Christians will be rich, either by inheritance, or by prosperous business, 1Timm 6:17-19. They are

(a) not to be proud;

(b) nor to trust in their riches so as to forget their dependence on God;

(c) to do good with their property; and

(d) to make their wealth the means of securing eternal life.

(6.) A solemn charge to Timothy to observe these things, and not to be turned from them by any of the arguments and objections of pretended science, 1Timm 6:20,21.

Verse 1. Let as many servants. On the word here rendered servants-- δουλοι--Eph 6:5. The word is that which was commonly applied to a slave, but it is so extensive in its signification as to be applicable to any species of servitude, whether voluntary or involuntary. If slavery existed in Ephesus at the time when this epistle was written, it would be applicable to slaves; if, any other kind of servitude existed, the word would be equally applicable to that. There is nothing in the word itself which essentially limits it to slavery. Examine Mt 13:27, 20:27, Mk 10:44, Lk 2:29, Jn 15:15, Acts 2:18, 4:29, 16:17, Rom 1:1 2Cor 4:5, Jude 1:1, Rev 1:1, 2:20, 7:3. The addition of the phrase "under the yoke," however, shows undoubtedly that it is to be understood here of slavery.

As are under the yoke. On the word yoke, Mt 11:29. The phrase here properly denotes slavery, as it would not be applied to any other species of servitude. See Lev 26:13. Dem. 322. 12. ζυγοςδουλοσυνης Rob. Lex. It sometimes denotes the bondage of the Mosaic law as being a severe and oppressive burden. Acts 15:10, Gal 5:1. It may be remarked here that the apostle did not regard slavery as a light or desirable thing. He would not have applied this term to the condition of a wife or a child.

Count their own masters worthy of all honour. Treat them with all proper respect. They were to manifest the right spirit themselves, whatever their masters did; they were not to do anything that would dishonour religion. The injunction here would seem to have particular reference to those whose masters were not Christians. In the following verse, the apostle gives particular instructions to those who had pious masters. The meaning here is, that the slave ought to show the Christian spirit towards his master who was not a Christian; he ought to conduct himself so that religion would not be dishonoured; he ought not to give his master occasion to say that the only effect of the Christian religion on the mind of a servant was to make him restless, discontented, dissatisfied, and disobedient. In the humble and trying situation in which he confessedly was--under the yoke of bondage--he ought to evince patience, kindness, and respect for his master, and as long as the relation continued he was to be obedient. This command, however, was by no means inconsistent with his desiring his freedom, and securing it, if the opportunity presented itself. See Notes on 1Cor 7:21. Comp., on the passage before us, Eph 6:5; Eph 6:6-8, 1Pet 2:18.

That the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed. That religion be not dishonoured and reproached, and that there may be no occasion to say that Christianity tends to produce discontent and to lead to insurrection. If the effect of religion had been to teach all who were servants that they should no longer obey their masters, or that they should rise upon them and assert their freedom by violence, or that their masters were to be treated with indignity on account of their usurped rights over others, the effect would have been obvious. There would have been a loud and united outcry against the new religion, and it could have made no progress in the world. Instead of this, Christianity taught the necessity of patience and meekness, and forbearance in the endurance of all wrong--whether from private individuals, Mt 5:39-41, 1Cor 6:7; or under the oppressions and exactions of Nero, Rom 13:1-7; or amidst the hardships and cruelties of slavery. These peaceful injunctions, however, did not demonstrate that Christ approved the act of him "that smote on the one cheek," or that Paul regarded the government of Nero as a good government, --and as little do they prove that Paul or the Saviour approved of slavery.

(a) "servants" Eph 6:5 (*) "blasphemed" "evil spoken of"

Titus 2:9

Verse 9. Exhort servants to be obedient to their own masters. See this explained Eph 6:5, seq., 1Timm 6:1-4.

And to please them well in all things. That is, so far as they lawfully may, or in those things which are not contrary to the will of God. Comp. Eph 6:6. It should be an object with one who is a servant, to meet the approbation of his master, as long as this relation continues. This rule would not, however, go to the extent to require him to please his master in doing anything that is contrary to the law of God, or that is morally wrong.

Not answering again. Marg., gainsaying. Not contradicting, or not disobeying. They were to do what the master required, if it did not interfere with the rights of conscience, without attempting to argue the matter--without disputing with the master--and without advancing their own opinions. Where this relation exists, no one can doubt that this is a proper frame of mind for a servant. It may be observed, however, that all that is here said would be equally appropriate, whether the servitude was voluntary or involuntary. A man who becomes voluntarily a servant, binds himself to obey his master cheerfully and quietly, without gainsaying, and without attempting to reason the matter with him, or propounding his own opinions, even though they may be much wiser than those of his employer, he makes a contract to obey his master, not to reason with him, or to instruct him.

(c) "servants" Eph 6:5 (2) "answering again" "gainsaying"

1 Peter 2:18

Verse 18. Servants, be subject to your masters. On the duty here enjoined, Eph 6:5, seq. The Greek word here used (οικεται) is not the same which is employed in Ephesians, (δουλοι). The word here means properly domestics--those employed about a house, or living in the same house--from οικος, house. These persons might have been slaves, or might not. The word would apply to them, whether they were hired, or whether they were owned as slaves. The word should not and cannot be employed to prove that slavery existed in the churches to which Peter wrote, and still less to prove that he approved of slavery, or regarded it as a good institution. The exhortation here would be, and still is, strictly applicable to any persons employed as domestics, though they had voluntarily hired themselves out to be such. It would be incumbent on them, while they remained in that condition, to perform with fidelity their duties as Christians, and to bear with Christian meekness all the wrongs which they might suffer from those in whose service they were. Those who are hired, and who are under a necessity of "going out to service" for a living, are not always free from hard usage, for there are trials incident to that condition of life which cannot be always avoided. It might be better, in many cases, to bear much than to attempt a change of situation, even though they were entirely at liberty to do so. It must be admitted, however, that the exhortation here will have more force if it is supposed that the reference is to slaves, and there can be no doubt that many of this class were early converted to the Christian faith. The word here rendered masters (δεσποταις) is not the same which is used in Eph 6:5, (κυριοις.) Neither of these words necessarily implies that those who were under them were slaves. The word here used is applicable to the head of a family, whatever may be the condition of those under him. It is frequently applied to God, and to Christ; and it cannot be maintained that those to whom God sustains the relation of δεσποτης, or master, are slaves. Lk 2:29; Acts 4:24, 2Ti 2:21, 2Pet 2:1, Jude 1:4, Rev 6:10. The word, indeed, is one that "might be applied to those who were owners of slaves. If that be the meaning here, it is not said, however, that those to whom it is applied were Christians. It is rather implied that they were pursuing such a course as was inconsistent with real piety. Those who were under them are represented as suffering grievous wrongs.

With all fear. That is, with all proper reverence and respect. Eph 6:6. Not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. The word rendered froward (σκολιοις) means properly crooked, bent; then perverse, wicked, unjust, peevish. Any one who is a servant or domestic is liable to be employed in the service of such a master; but while the relation continues, the servant should perform his duty with fidelity, whatever may be the character of the master. Slaves are certainly liable to this; and even those who voluntarily engage as servants to others, cannot always be sure that they will have kind employers. Though the terms used here do not necessarily imply that those to whom the apostle gave this direction were slaves, yet it may be presumed that they probably were, since slavery abounded throughout the Roman empire; but the directions will apply to all who are engaged in the service of others, and are therefore of permanent value. Slavery will, sooner or later, under the influence of the gospel, wholly cease in the world, and instructions addressed to masters and slaves will have no permanent value; but it will always be true that there will be those employed as domestics, and it is the duty of all who are thus engaged to evince true fidelity and a Christian spirit themselves, whatever may be the character of their employers.

(e) "Servants" Eph 6:5
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