Acts 13:27

Verse 27. Because they knew him not. The statement in this verse is designed, not to reproach the Jews at Jerusalem, but to introduce the fact that Jesus had died, and had risen again. With great wisdom and tenderness, he speaks of his murderers in such a manner as not to exasperate, but as far as possible to mitigate their crime. There was sufficient guilt in the murder of the Son of God to overwhelm the nation with alarm, even after all that could be said to mitigate the deed. See Acts 2:23,36,37. When Paul says, "They knew him not," he means, that they did not know him to be the Messiah, (see 1Cor 2:8) they were ignorant of the true meaning of the prophecies of the Old Testament; they regarded him as an impostor. Acts 3:17.

Nor yet the voices of the Prophets. Neither the meaning of the predictions in the Old Testament, respecting the Messiah. They expected a prince, and a conqueror, but did not expect a Messiah poor and despised, and a man of sorrows, and that was to die on a cross.

Which are read every sabbath day. In the synagogues. Though the Scriptures were read so constantly, yet they were ignorant of their true meaning. They were blinded by pride, and prejudice, and preconceived opinions. Men may often m this way read the Bible a good part of their lives, and, for want of attention, or of a humble mind, never understand it.

They have fulfilled them, etc. By putting him to death they have accomplished what was foretold.

(++) "voices of the Prophets" "Words" (h) "they have fulfilled them" Lk 24:20,44

1 Corinthians 2:8

Verse 8. Which none of the princes. None of those rulers who were engaged in the crucifixion of the Messiah--referring both to the Jewish rulers and the Roman governor.

Knew. They did not perceive or appreciate the excellency of his character, the wisdom of his plan, the glory of his scheme of salvation. Their ignorance arose from not understanding the prophecies, and from an unwillingness to be convinced that Jesus of Nazareth had been truly sent by God. In Acts 3:17, Peter says that it was through ignorance that the Jews had put him to death. Acts 3:17.

For had they known it. Had they fully understood his character, and seen the wisdom of his plan and his work, they would not have put him to death. Acts 3:17. Had they seen the hidden wisdom in that plan--had they understood the glory of his real character, the truth respecting his incarnation, and the fact that he was the long-expected: Messiah of their nation, they would not have put him to death. It is incredible that they would have crucified their Messiah, knowing him to be such. They might have known it, but they were unwilling to examine the evidence. They expected a different Messiah, and were unwilling to admit the claims of Jesus of Nazareth. For this ignorance, however, there was no excuse. If they had not a full knowledge, it was their own fault. Jesus had performed miracles which were a complete attestation to his Divine mission, Jn 5:36 Jn 10:25; but they closed their eyes on those works, and were unwilling to be convinced. God always gives to men sufficient demonstration of the truth, but they close their eyes, and are unwilling to believe. This is the sole reason why they are not converted to God, and saved.

They would not have crucified. It is perfectly manifest that the Jews would not have crucified their own Messiah, knowing him to be such. He was the hope and expectation of their nation. All their desires were centered in him. And to him they looked for deliverance from all their foes.

The Lord of glory. This expression is a Hebraism, and means "the glorious Lord;" or the "Messiah." Expressions like this, where a noun performs the office of an adjective, are common in the Hebrew language. Grotius supposes that the expression is taken from that of "the King of glory," in Ps 24:7-9: "Lift up your heads, O ye gates;

Be ye Lift up, ye everlasting doors;

And the King of glory shall come in.

Who is this King of glory?

JEHOVAH, strong and mighty;

JEHOVAH, mighty in battle.

Lift up your heads, O ye gates;

Lift them up, ye everlasting doors;

And the King of glory shall come in.

Who is this King of glory?

JEHOVAH of hosts, he is the King of glory."

God is called "the God of glory" in Acts 7:2. The fact that this appellation is given to JEHOVAH in the Old Testament, and to the Lord Jesus in the verse before us, is one of those incidental circumstances which show how the Lord Jesus was estimated by the apostles; and how familiarly they applied to him names and titles which belong only to God. The foundation of this appellation is laid in his exalted perfections; and in the honour and majesty which he had with the Father before the world was, Jn 17:1-5.

(++) "princes" "rulers" (c) "for had they known it" Lk 23:34
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