Acts 3:13

Verse 13. The God of Abraham. He is called the God of Abraham be- cause Abraham acknowledged him as his God, and because God showed himself to be his Friend. Comp. Mt 22:32, Ex 3:6,15, Gen 28:13, 26:24. It was important to show that it was the same God who had done this that had been acknowledged by their fathers; and that they were not about to introduce the worship of any other God. And it was especially important, because the promise had been made to Abraham, that in his seed should all the families of the earth be blessed, Gen 12:3. Comp. Gal 3:16.

Hath glorified. Has honoured. You denied, despised, and murdered him; but God has exalted and honoured him. This miracle was done in the name of Jesus, Acts 3:6. It was the power of God that had restored him; and by putting forth this power God had shown that he approved the work of his Son, and was disposed to honour him in the view of men. Comp. Jn 17:1, Eph 1:20-22, Php 2:9-11 Heb 2:9, Rev 1:5-18.

Ye delivered up. That is, you delivered him to the Romans to be put to death. Acts 2:23.

And denied him in the presence of Pilate. Denied that he was the Messiah. Were unwilling to own him as your long-expected King, Jn 19:15.

When he was determined, etc. Mt 27:17-25, Lk 23:16-23. Pilate was satisfied of his innocence; but he was weak, and timid, and irresolute, and yielded to their wishes. The fact that Pilate regarded him as innocent was a strong aggravation of their crime. They should have regarded him as innocent; but they urged on his condemnation, against the deliberate judgment of him before whom they had arraigned him; and thus showed how obstinately they were resolved on his death.

(a) "God of Abraham" Mt 22:32 (b) "hath glorified" Acts 5:30,31 (c) "his son Jesus" Jn 17:1, Eph 1:20-22, Php 2:9-11, Heb 2:9 Rev 1:5,18 (d) "denied him" Jn 19:15 (*) "let him go" "Release him"

Acts 3:26

Verse 26. Unto you first. To you who are Jews. This was the direction that the gospel should be first preached to the Jews, beginning at Jerusalem, Lk 24:47. Jesus himself also confined his ministry entirely to the Jews.

Having raised up. This expression does not refer to his having raised him from the dead, but is used in the same sense as in Acts 3:22, where God promised that he would raise up a prophet, and send him to teach the people. Peter means that God had appointed his Son Jesus, or had commissioned him to go and preach to the people to turn them away from their sins.

To bless you. To make you happy; to fulfil the promise made to Abraham.

In turning away. That is, by his preaching, example, death, etc. The highest blessing that can be conferred on men is to be turned from sin. It is the source of all woes; and if men are turned from that, they will be happy. Christ blesses no one in sin, or while loving sin, but by turning them from sin. This was the object which he had in view in coming, Isa 59:20, Mt 1:21. The design of Peter in these remarks was to show them that the Messiah had come, and that now they might look for happiness, pardon, and mercy through him. As the Jews might, so may all; and as Jesus while living sought to turn away men from their sins, so he does still, and still designs to bless all nations by the gospel which he had himself preached, and to establish which he died. All may therefore come and be blessed; and all may rejoice in the prospect that these blessings shall yet be bestowed on all the kindreds of the earth. May the happy day soon come!

(c) "Unto you first" Mt 10:5, Lk 24:47 (d) "turning away every one" Isa 59:20, Tit 2:11-14
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