Acts 8:14

Verse 14. They sent. That is, the apostles deputed two of their number. This shows conclusively that there was no chief or ruler among them. They acted as being equal in authority. The reason why they sent them was, probably, that there would be a demand for more labour than Philip could render; a church was to be founded, which required their presence; and it was important that they should be present to organize it, and to build it up. The harvest had occurred in Samaria, of which the Saviour spoke, Jn 4:35, and it was proper that they should enter into it. In times of revival there is often more to be done than can be done by the regular pastor of a people, and it is proper that he should be aided from abroad.

Peter. This shows that Peter had no such authority and primacy as the Roman Catholics claim far him. He exercised no authority of sending others, but was himself sent. He was appointed by their united voice, instead of claiming the power himself of directing them.

And John. Peter was ardent, bold, zealous, rash; John was mild, gentle, tender, persuasive. There was wisdom in uniting them in this work, as the talents of both were needed; and the excellencies in the character of the one would compensate for the defects of the other. It is observable that the apostles sent two together, as the Saviour had himself done. Mk 6:7. The reasons why this additional aid was sent to Samaria were probably these:

(1.) To assist Philip in a great work--in the harvest which he was there collecting.

(2.) To give the sanction of the authority of the apostles to what he was doing.

(3.) To confer on the converts the gift of the Holy Ghost, Acts 8:17.
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